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发布时间:2018-08-23 10:28
【摘要】:近年来,新时期大学生能够把共产主义的理想信念和爱国主义的深切情怀融入到对党的热爱,对国家的忠诚和对社会主义核心价值体系的热情中去,其思想主流表现为积极、乐观、向上,这是我国大学生素质普遍提升的总体表现。同时,绝大多数大学生在利益矛盾面前,能够从全局、长远的角度出发,正确处理国家、集体和个人三者之间的利益关系作出判断和取舍,尤其在追求社会价值与自我价值相统一的过程中,他们能够拥有正确的价值取向和对社会主义核心价值体系的认同,可见对大学生进行德育教育的实效性已经取得了成效,但部分大学生目前的思想政治状况仍然与大学生的最终教育目标存在很大差距。因此,高校德育实效性的研究应作为重点议题进行探讨。高校德育的实效性作为德育工作的根本目标和终极任务,它将始终作为制约德育工作质量提升的重要因素。目前,德育实效性仍是国内外专家学者们公认的教育攻坚课题,诸多学者对其进行过很多系统的、多角度的研究。 本文沿承发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的基本思路,对新时期高校德育实效性进行了系统的研究。首先指出新时期高校德育实效性是一个全面、动态的德育工作完善系统,它具有学科涉猎复杂、研究范围、领域较广,理论时代特征性强等特点。要想切实改善和提高高校德育实效性应把握当前大学生总体的思想道德状况。大学生思想素质总体得到提升,但思想素质呈多元化趋势;大学生政治立场总体上比较坚定,但政治信仰出现偏颇;大学生道德素质总体得到提高,但道德观念逐渐淡化;大学生成长成才的愿望总体上较为迫切,但心理问题日益突出。同时,指出欲改善高校德育工作现状,增强德育实效性应当改善高校德育的文化环境,应当加强高校德育主体的自身建设工作。通过内外结合、主客观结合的方式,不断开拓以德育人、以德树人、以德养人、以德惠人的高校德育工作新局面。
[Abstract]:In recent years, college students in the new era have been able to integrate the communist ideals and beliefs and the deep feelings of patriotism into the love of the Party, loyalty to the country and enthusiasm for the socialist core value system. Optimistic, upward, this is our country university student quality promotion general performance. At the same time, the vast majority of college students, in the face of conflicts of interest, can correctly handle the relationship between the interests of the state, the collective and the individual from the overall and long-term perspective to make a judgment and make a choice. Especially in the process of pursuing the unity of social value and self-value, they can have the correct value orientation and identify with the socialist core value system, which shows that the effectiveness of moral education for college students has been achieved. However, the ideological and political situation of some college students is still far from the ultimate goal of college students. Therefore, the research on the effectiveness of moral education in colleges and universities should be discussed as a key topic. As the fundamental goal and ultimate task of moral education, the effectiveness of moral education in colleges and universities will always be an important factor restricting the improvement of moral education quality. At present, the effectiveness of moral education is still recognized by experts and scholars at home and abroad, and many scholars have carried out a lot of systematic and multi-angle research on it. This paper studies the effectiveness of moral education in colleges and universities in the new period, along with the basic ideas of finding problems, analyzing problems and solving problems. First of all, it points out that the effectiveness of moral education in colleges and universities in the new era is a comprehensive and dynamic system of moral education, which has the characteristics of complex disciplines, wide research scope, wide fields and strong characteristics of the theoretical times. In order to improve and improve the effectiveness of moral education in colleges and universities, we should grasp the overall ideological and moral situation of college students. The ideological quality of college students is promoted generally, but the ideological quality is diversified; the political position of college students is generally firm, but the political belief is biased; the moral quality of college students is improved generally, but the moral concept is gradually desalinated; The desire of college students to grow up is more urgent, but the psychological problems are more and more prominent. At the same time, it is pointed out that in order to improve the present situation of moral education in colleges and universities, we should improve the cultural environment of moral education in colleges and universities, and strengthen the self-construction of the subject of moral education in colleges and universities. Through the combination of internal and external, subjective and objective combination, we constantly open up a new situation of moral education in colleges and universities.


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