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发布时间:2018-08-25 16:44
[Abstract]:In a sense, whether the students of private colleges can grow healthily and have the qualities and abilities needed by employers has a great relationship with the work performance of administrative teaching assistants in private colleges and universities. Therefore, it is a key factor to promote the rapid development of private colleges and universities to cultivate a contingent of administrative teaching assistants with excellent political quality, reasonable structure, exquisite operation and stable personnel. If we want to improve the overall quality of the teaching and administrative assistant team quickly and comprehensively, we must carry on the scientific and effective performance appraisal to it, find out the teacher's insufficiency from the examination, and urge it to improve continuously. However, at present, the performance appraisal system adopted in private colleges and universities in China can not fully meet the objective requirements of the development scale of private universities and the law of the development of modern education. Therefore, how to optimize or improve the current performance evaluation index system of administrative and teaching assistant staff in private colleges and universities is an important subject faced by the human resources management department of private colleges and universities. Based on the above background, this paper, based on the theory of performance appraisal, discusses the necessity of performance management of administrative teaching assistant personnel and the common problems in this kind of personnel assessment from the point of view of private colleges and universities. In order to further confirm the argument of this paper, this paper chooses a private university S college, first of all, it studies the current situation of performance appraisal of its administrative teaching assistant staff, and then through the form of questionnaire, This paper analyzes the views of the administrative and teaching staff of the school on the existing performance appraisal system. Through the questionnaire statistics, the author learned that there are still a lot of administrative and teaching staff and workers who are dissatisfied with the performance appraisal system of S college. The main problems are as follows: first, the design of the evaluation index is general, and the lack of consideration to the post analysis; Second, the results of performance appraisal can not be fully used; third, the incentive means are single, incentive role is limited; fourth, the whole process of assessment lack of communication, the work is difficult to carry out. In view of the above problems, this paper puts forward the countermeasures of optimization according to its own understanding: taking specific position-counselors as an example, the specific solutions of performance appraisal optimization are elaborated, and other posts are compared with similar practices. Quantifying work effect factors into indicators to avoid the original one-size-fits-all assessment model can also increase the sense of identity and corresponding safeguards of administrative and teaching assistants: first, bonuses, promotions, The conventional salary floating incentive mechanism is further integrated with the assessment mechanism; second, the communication mechanism between the examiner and the assessed party is improved, and more emphasis is placed on the communication between the examiner and the assessed party; third, more attention is paid to emotional motivation. With sincere moves the teaching assistant staff, enhances the personnel's sense of belonging. The author hopes to improve the performance appraisal of administrative teaching assistant staff in S college, and at the same time, it also hopes to provide the corresponding reference and reference for the performance management of administrative teaching assistant staff in other private colleges and universities.


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