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发布时间:2018-08-26 09:05
【摘要】:“科教兴国,人才强国。”我国是世界上人口最多的国家,同时也是世界上最大的人力资源国,要想将雄厚的人力资源转化为有效的人力资本,教育必须放在第一位。高等院校是高等教育的载体,是培养高层次人才的基地。高等院校担负起了为社会不断培养输出高层次人才的重任,尤其是近几年来,各高校的大势扩招,其肩负的责任更大了。可是高校的发展并不是一帆风顺的,近些年来,高校内部发生了譬如学生死亡、校园暴力、动乱等对高校稳定构成威胁和损害的突发事件,校园突发事件的恶性发展不仅会影响学校正常的教学运行,破坏学校在大众心中的良好形象和声誉,而且还会进一步影响社会的安全稳定。因此,处理好高校突发事件,保证高校和社会的良性发展,是进行高校突发事件应急机制研究的最终目标,这对高校甚至整个社会对于如何应对突发事件具有重要作用。自国内各高校扩大招生规模以来,高校管理也问题不断,学生突发事件频发,给学校管理带来了很大的压力。加强对高校突发事件应急机制的研究和完善迫在眉睫。因此,本文运用相关的危机管理理论,结合高校管理的实际情况,,对高校突发事件应急机制进行研究。 本文主要由四个部分组成,第一部分具体阐述了高校突发事件相关概念及其应急机制的研究背景和重要性。第二部分具体分析高校突发事件的基本概念和理论基础。第三部分,从“忧患意识不强,法制观念缺乏、缺乏有效的制度规范保证、组织机构不健全,思想政治教育不够、突发事件应急管理行为不规范、突发性事件应对教育缺失,预警机制不受重视、以预防为主的突发事件预防组织体系和制度缺失”等六个方面全面阐述了当下高校突发事件应急机制存在的问题。论文的第四部分,加强完善高校突发事件应急机制,提出本人对于建立完善该应急机制的一些新的看法和观点。从“增引入政府突发事件管理机制、加强社会各界的联动、冲破传统的管理模式,建立有效的应急管理机制、培养学生危机意识,提高学生危机处置能力、重视辅导员及学生干部应急队伍的建设”等方面完善高校突发事件应急机制。
[Abstract]:"invigorate the country through science and education, and strengthen the country by talent." China is the most populous country in the world, but also the largest human resource country in the world. If we want to transform the abundant human resources into effective human capital, education must be the first place. Colleges and universities are the carrier of higher education and the base of cultivating high-level talents. Institutions of higher learning have shouldered the important task of continuously training and exporting high-level talents for the society, especially in recent years, the general situation of colleges and universities have expanded their enrollment, and their responsibilities have become even greater. However, the development of colleges and universities has not been smooth sailing. In recent years, unexpected incidents, such as student deaths, campus violence, unrest, and so on, have threatened and damaged the stability of colleges and universities. The malignant development of campus emergencies will not only affect the normal teaching operation of the school, damage the good image and reputation of the school in the public mind, but also further affect the safety and stability of the society. Therefore, it is the ultimate goal of the research on the emergency mechanism of university emergencies to deal with university emergencies and ensure the benign development of universities and the society, which plays an important role in how to deal with emergencies in colleges and universities and even the whole society. Since the expansion of enrollment scale of colleges and universities in China, the management of colleges and universities has also been faced with continuous problems. The frequent occurrence of student emergencies has brought great pressure to the management of schools. It is urgent to strengthen the research and perfection of emergency mechanism in colleges and universities. Therefore, this article uses the related crisis management theory, unifies the university management actual situation, carries on the research to the university emergency mechanism. This paper is mainly composed of four parts. The first part elaborates the research background and importance of the related concepts and emergency mechanisms in universities. The second part analyzes the basic concepts and theoretical basis of college emergencies. The third part, from "the sense of suffering is not strong, the concept of legal system is lacking, the lack of effective system standard guarantee, the organization is not perfect, the ideological and political education is not enough, the emergency management behavior is not standard, the emergency response education is missing." The early warning mechanism is ignored, and the organizational system and system of emergency prevention, which is based on prevention, is absent. Six aspects, such as the problems existing in the emergency response mechanism in colleges and universities, are expounded in an all-round way. The fourth part of the paper, strengthen and perfect the emergency mechanism of university emergency, and put forward some new views and viewpoints on the establishment and perfection of the emergency mechanism. From "increasing the introduction of government emergency management mechanism, strengthening the linkage of all sectors of society, breaking through the traditional management model, establishing an effective emergency management mechanism, training students' awareness of crisis, improving students' ability to deal with crises," Attach importance to the construction of emergency teams for counselors and student cadres, and improve the emergency response mechanism in colleges and universities.


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