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发布时间:2018-08-26 12:33
【摘要】:社会主义核心价值体系是党的十六届六中全会提出的一个全新科学命题,标志着我党对于马克思主义中国化增添了新的内容和生命力。这个价值观体系的丰富内涵,健全了中国特色社会主义理论体系,是我党在精神文明领域的一次重大理论突破和创新。当前,我国经济社会发展处于转型期,社会成员的世界观、人生观、价值观出现了深刻变化。高校是推动社会主义核心价值体系建设的重要平台,对高校学生进行社会主义核心价值观教育,教育效果的辐射作用和意义深远。运用社会主义核心价值体系引导高校思想政治教育,是贯彻中国特色高等教育事业方针政策的重要体现。高校要把社会主义核心价值体系作为思想政治教育的“导向仪”和“助推器”,,实现用马克思主义理论占领高校意识形态的主阵地,从而提高思想政治教育的实效性。所以,从多角度将社会主义核心价值体系融入高校师生思想政治教育的全过程,意义尤为重要。 独立学院是高等教育大众化发展趋势背景下,国家按照新机制和新模式创办的新兴教育机构。独立学院自产生以来,扩大了我国高等教育规模,优化配置了高等教育资源,拓宽了民办高等教育的办学空间。独立学院承担我国本科教育三分之一的教学任务,已经成为我国高等教育的重要组成部分。独立学院教育模式具有特殊性,而独立学院学生是具有自身特性的群体,做好独立学院思想政治教育工作显得极其必要和紧迫。应对社会思潮复杂化和多样化趋势,应全力维护马克思主义在意识形态领域的主导权和领导权。将社会主义核心价值体系灵活应用于独立学院思想政治教育工作,成为具有现实意义的全新课题。把社会主义核心价值体系作为激活独立学院思想政治教育工作的“金钥匙”,努力实现独立学院思想政治教育统一的指导思想、共同的理想信念、强大的精神支柱和基本的道德规范,增强社会主义核心价值体系给予社会主义意识形态的感召力和向心力。独立学院思想政治教育的对象不光是学生,还有教师,师生的思想政治教育也要归入社会主义核心价值体系中进行教育设计和评价,这样才显得更加全面和客观。更具价值和意义的是,将社会主义核心价值体系引入独立学院思想政治教育也必将推动社会主义核心价值体系自身建设的实践探索和不断完善,更是对民办高等教育思想政治教育工作的有力推动。 本文选取社会主义核心价值体系为视角,对独立学院思想政治教育进行了多方位和全过程的研究。在揭示社会主义核心价值体系的基本内涵和现实意义的基础上,对我党思想领域重要创新成果有了深刻的认识和理解。从而进一步在意识形态领域的正确导向作用,思想政治教育的价值功能创新,推动学生思想政治教育的有效性三个方面,深入阐述了独立学院思想政治教育的指导意义,揭示了社会主义核心价值体系引导独立学院思想政治教育的必要性。 为了全面了解独立学院思想政治教育的现状、存在的问题及其成因,笔者选取了河北省的三所独立学院作为问卷调查的对象和访谈调查的对象,分别从学生站位角度,从如何理解和看待马克思主义理论、社会主义核心价值体系理论、思想政治教育理论课教学效果、思想政治教育现状评价、思想道德现状评价、社会主义和谐社会、独立学院教育模式等方面对问卷进行设计;以独立学院的学生、教师、管理干部、工勤人员为对象进行了问卷调查。通过对回收的有效问卷的数据统计、归纳和分析,总结出独立学院思想政治教育的现状,从而为解决现存问题提供数据支持。深入分析了社会主义核心价值体系引导独立学院思想政治教育的可行性和有效性,主要体现在指导思想和主要内容两个方面。最后,在前期文献研究和问卷、访谈调查分析的基础上,总结出社会主义核心价值体系引导独立学院思想政治教育的有效途径。即通过社会主义核心价值体系提高学生思想政治素质,改进青年教师队伍建设,丰富校园文化精神内涵,拓展思想政治教育渠道。从以上论述得出,只有通过践行社会主义核心价值观,创新思想政治教育方式,改善理论研究与实践教学,增强宣讲交流与继承传播,密切联系当前形势与政策的途径,才能达到做好独立学院思想政治教育工作的目的。
[Abstract]:The socialist core value system is a brand-new scientific proposition put forward by the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee of the Party, which indicates that the Party has added new content and vitality to the Sinicization of Marxism. The rich connotation of this value system and the perfection of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics are an important part of the Party in the field of spiritual civilization. At present, China's economic and social development is in a transitional period. The world outlook, outlook on life and values of social members have undergone profound changes. Universities are an important platform for promoting the construction of the socialist core value system. It is of great significance to educate college students on the socialist core values. It is an important embodiment of carrying out the policy of higher education with Chinese characteristics to guide the ideological and political education in Colleges and universities by using the socialist core value system. Therefore, it is of great significance to integrate the socialist core value system into the whole process of the ideological and political education of teachers and students from various angles.
Independent college is a new educational institution established by the state according to the new mechanism and new mode under the background of the popularization of higher education. Since its emergence, independent college has expanded the scale of higher education, optimized the allocation of higher education resources, and broadened the space for private higher education. One-third of the teaching tasks have become an important part of China's higher education. Independent college education model has its particularity, and independent college students are a group with their own characteristics. It is extremely necessary and urgent to do a good job in the ideological and political education of independent college. Protecting the dominant and leading power of Marxism in the ideological field has become a new topic of practical significance in applying the socialist core value system flexibly to the ideological and political education in independent colleges. The guiding ideology of Ideological and political education in independent colleges, common ideals and beliefs, strong spiritual pillars and basic ethics, and the strengthening of the socialist core value system give socialist ideology the appeal and centripetal force. The object of Ideological and political education in independent colleges is not only students, but also teachers and students. Political education should also be included in the socialist core value system for educational design and evaluation, so it is more comprehensive and objective. More valuable and meaningful is that the introduction of the socialist core value system into the ideological and political education of independent colleges will also promote the practice and exploration of the socialist core value system and its own construction. It is also a powerful impetus to the ideological and political education of private higher education.
From the perspective of the socialist core value system, this paper studies the ideological and political education in Independent Colleges in many aspects and in the whole process. On the basis of revealing the basic connotation and practical significance of the socialist core value system, we have a profound understanding and understanding of the important innovative achievements in the ideological field of our party. This paper expounds the guiding significance of Ideological and political education in Independent Colleges from three aspects: the correct guiding role in Ideological field, the value function innovation of Ideological and political education, and the effectiveness of promoting students'ideological and political education.
In order to fully understand the status quo, problems and causes of Ideological and political education in independent colleges, the author selected three independent colleges in Hebei Province as the subjects of questionnaire survey and interview survey, respectively from the standpoint of students, from how to understand and treat Marxist theory, socialist core value system theory, thinking. The questionnaire was designed in the aspects of teaching effect of political education theory course, evaluation of Ideological and political education status quo, evaluation of Ideological and moral status quo, socialist harmonious society, education mode of independent college, etc. According to statistics, induction and analysis, summarizes the status quo of Ideological and political education in independent colleges, so as to provide data support for solving the existing problems. On the basis of literature research, questionnaire and interview, this paper summarizes the effective ways of guiding the ideological and political education in independent colleges through the socialist core value system, that is, improving the ideological and political quality of students, improving the construction of young teachers, enriching the cultural and spiritual connotation of campus, and expanding ideological and political education. From the above discussion, only by practicing the socialist core values, Innovating Ideological and political education methods, improving theoretical research and practical teaching, enhancing communication and inheritance, and closely linking the current situation and policies, can we achieve the goal of Ideological and political education in independent colleges.


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