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发布时间:2018-08-26 15:31
【摘要】:随着两岸高校教育交流与合作不断深化,海峡两岸高校合作办学的呼声越来越高,,如何选择正确而有效的人才模式,既能满足闽台企业对高技能人才的需求,又能共享两岸的教育资源,实现两岸教育的合作共赢,已引起海峡两岸教育界的重视并存在现实意义。 闽台高校联合培养应用型人才是坚持以“海西”经济建设对人才的需求为导向,遴选闽台高校优势的专业,开展“分段对接”培养模式合作,引进台湾高校的优质课程体系、教学管理经验和国际化师资,由双方共同制订人才培养方案、共同建设科研平台开展科学研究、共同建立项目推广机制服务社会,推进闽台教育合作,增进两岸师生相互融合,增强两岸师生同族同根的认同感,增强振兴中华民族的共同信念,培养具有创新精神和实践能力的工科应用型人才。 本研究借鉴台湾高校特色的人才培养模式并融合福建省高校应用型人才培养优势的模式,探讨有利于闽台高校优势互补的联合培养应用型人才模式。研究结果表明: (1)闽台联合培养应用型人才模式实现了闽台高校人才培养的优势互补,明确了办学理念、办学定位,细化培养目标,完善课程“分段对接”,注重以人为本和能力素质的培养,为海西经济建设输送大批应用型人才。 (2)闽台高校联合培养应用型人才模式采取“校校企”联合办学,打破了传统的校校合作或校企合作的人才培养模式,满足了台资企业对高技能应用型人才的需求,凸显了闽台教育优质资源的共享和优势互补,实现了闽台高校教育的合作共赢。因此,开展闽台高校人才机制的建设,总结交流合作发展的过程及经验,对推进海峡两岸的统一大业和深化教育改革都具有重大和深远示范意义。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of educational exchanges and cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, there is a growing demand for cooperation in running schools between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. How to choose a correct and effective talent model can not only meet the needs of enterprises in Fujian and Taiwan for highly skilled personnel, The educational resources of both sides of the strait can be shared and the cooperation between the two sides of the strait can be realized, which has attracted the attention of the educational circles on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and has practical significance. The joint cultivation of applied talents in Fujian-Taiwan colleges and universities is guided by the demand for talents in the economic construction of "Hercynian", selects the advantages of Fujian and Taiwan colleges and universities, develops the cooperation of "piecewise docking" training mode, and introduces the high-quality curriculum system of Taiwan's colleges and universities. Teaching management experience and international teachers, both sides jointly formulate talent training plans, jointly build scientific research platforms to carry out scientific research, jointly establish project extension mechanisms to serve society, promote educational cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan, and enhance the integration of teachers and students on both sides of the strait. It is necessary to strengthen the sense of identity of teachers and students from both sides of the strait, to strengthen the common belief in revitalizing the Chinese nation, and to cultivate applied engineering talents with innovative spirit and practical ability. This study draws lessons from the characteristic talents training mode of Taiwan universities and combines the mode of Fujian Province colleges and universities with the advantages of practical talents training, and probes into the mode of joint cultivation of applied talents which is beneficial to the complementary advantages of Fujian and Taiwan universities. The results show that: (1) the model of Fujian-Taiwan joint cultivation of applied talents has realized the complementary advantages of Fujian-Taiwan colleges and universities, made clear the idea of running a school, established the orientation of running a school, refined the training goal, and perfected the course "piecewise docking". Pay attention to the cultivation of people-oriented and ability quality, and transport a large number of applied talents for the economic construction of Hercynian. (2) the mode of joint training of applied talents in Fujian-Taiwan colleges and universities adopts the "school-enterprise" mode of running a school jointly. It breaks the traditional talent training mode of school cooperation or school enterprise cooperation, meets the needs of Taiwan-funded enterprises for high-skill applied talents, and highlights the sharing and complementary advantages of high-quality educational resources in Fujian and Taiwan. The cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan colleges and universities has been realized. Therefore, it is of great and far-reaching significance to carry out the construction of talent mechanism in colleges and universities of Fujian and Taiwan and to sum up the process and experience of exchange and cooperation development for promoting the reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and deepening the educational reform.


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