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发布时间:2018-08-26 16:02
【摘要】:长期以来,我国高校大学生思想道德教育工作取得了一定的成绩,为国家和社会主义事业培养了大批的人才。但是,对如何继续提高高校大学生的思想道德教育,促进高校大学生全面发展,培养高校大学生成为有理想、有道德、有文化、有素质的复合型人才,仍是高校大学生思想道德教育的重要任务。 但是我们也应该看到,面对新形势下的新情况、新问题,我国的高校大学生思想道德教育工作还存在着许多薄弱环节。我国高校大学生道德教育也很乏力,效果还不明显。本文针对当代高校大学生道德教育存在的主要问题,分析了导致这些问题的原因,着重提出了增强高校大学生道德教育实效的一些对策,这对高校大学生思想道德教育具有重要而又深远的理论意义和实践意义。 本人从五个部分进行阐述,在第一部分前言中,对高校大学生思想道德教育问题的提出、研究背景、研究目的和意义、研究现状、研究方法、研究内容和创新点进行了阐述;第二部分说明了高校大学生思想道德教育的内涵及其意义;第三部分介绍了高校大学生思想道德教育的基本概况;第四部分将对高校大学生思想道德教育存在的问题,进行了各方面的原因分析;第五部分则是重点,提出了高校大学生思想道德教育的有效途径。
[Abstract]:For a long time, the ideological and moral education of college students in our country has made some achievements and trained a large number of talents for the country and the socialist cause. However, how to continue to improve the ideological and moral education of college students, to promote the all-round development of college students, and to cultivate college students to become ideal, moral, cultural and quality compound talents, It is still an important task of ideological and moral education for college students. But we should also see that there are still many weak links in the ideological and moral education of college students in our country in the face of the new situation and new problems under the new situation. Moral education of college students in China is also very weak, the effect is not obvious. In view of the main problems existing in the moral education of contemporary college students, this paper analyzes the causes of these problems, and puts forward some countermeasures to enhance the effectiveness of moral education of college students. This has important and profound theoretical and practical significance to the ideological and moral education of college students. In the preface of the first part, the author sets forth the questions of ideological and moral education of college students, the research background, the purpose and significance of the research, the present situation, the research methods, the research contents and the innovation points. The second part explains the connotation and significance of college students' ideological and moral education; the third part introduces the basic situation of college students' ideological and moral education; the fourth part will address the problems of college students' ideological and moral education. The fifth part is the emphasis, and puts forward the effective way of ideological and moral education for college students.


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