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发布时间:2018-08-26 16:12
【摘要】:归属感是个体参与到某个群体中或环境中,在其中扮演了一种特殊的角色而产生的体验和经历。它一方面受到心理控制源、民族等个体和社会变量的影响,同时又影响着道德决策、幸福感等情感和行为过程。特别是对多民族社会中的成员影响甚大,不仅关系到个体的社会行为,更是能影响整个社会的和谐。因此,本研究有利于促进归属感相关理论的完善,也有利于增强其对思想道德教育的指导价值。 研究采用调查法对东北地区5所高校1260名大学生进行问卷调查,同时对12名大学生和3名教师进行访谈。探究朝鲜族大学生的归属感特点及其对道德决策的影响,考察心理控制源在其中起到的作用。 研究得出如下结论: (1)朝鲜族大学生的归属感水平一般,道德决策具有知情矛盾的特点,受到性别、年龄和家庭因素的显著影响。归属感随年级的变化呈现“U”型结构,其中女生、非独生子女的归属感水平较低。道德决策水平随年级的提高逐渐降低,其中朝鲜族大学生道德觉察和道德判断水平比汉族学生低,但最终形成的道德意向和道德行为表现与汉族学生没有差异,均较积极。 (2)心理控制源通过影响归属感进而影响道德决策。内控型是积极的,能形成较高的归属期望并付诸行动来提高归属感。而外控型是被动的,形成的归属期望较低且行为也更消极,因此所形成的归属感也低。总的来说归属感越高其道德决策水平也越高,说明正确的心理控制源和积极的归属感是提高大学生道德决策能力的有效策略。 (3)心理控制源在归属感和道德决策之间起到调节作用。内控型具有两面性,这类学生应重点培养活动参与能力。重要他人型控制源应重点培养关系处理能力。机遇型控制源应着重提高活动的参与度、对环境的认同度。无论何种心理控制源类型,其最终目的均是为了提高归属感的整体水平,进而促进道德决策能力。 (4)归属感根据前因和心理状态的特点,可分为高期望-高归属、高期望-低归属、低期望-高归属、低期望-低归属、一般等五种混合模型。其中低期望—高归属类型学生的道德决策能力最好,低期望-低归属类型和一般类型是道德教育的主要对象而高期望-高归属是道德教育的标本和目标。高期望-低归属是潜在的可引起严重问题的预防对象。
[Abstract]:The sense of belonging is the experience and experience that the individual takes part in a group or environment and plays a special role in it. On the one hand, it is influenced by individual and social variables, such as source of control, nationality, and so on. At the same time, it influences the process of emotion and behavior, such as moral decision, happiness and so on. Especially, it has a great influence on the members of the multi-ethnic society, which not only relates to the individual social behavior, but also affects the harmony of the whole society. Therefore, this study is beneficial to the improvement of the theory of sense of belonging, and to the guiding value of ideological and moral education. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 1260 college students in 5 colleges and universities in Northeast China, and 12 college students and 3 teachers were interviewed. This paper explores the characteristics of Korean college students' sense of belonging and its influence on moral decision making, and explores the role of psychological locus of control in it. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the level of sense of belonging of Korean college students is general, moral decision-making has the characteristics of informed contradiction, and is significantly affected by gender, age and family factors. The change of sense of belonging with grade showed a "U" structure, in which the level of sense of belonging of female students and non-only children was lower. The moral decision level of Korean students is lower than that of Han students, but the moral intention and behavior of Korean students are not different from those of Han students. (2) the locus of control influences moral decision by influencing the sense of belonging. Internal control type is positive, can form high attribution expectation and put into action to improve the sense of belonging. The type of external control is passive, the form of attribution expectation is lower and the behavior is more negative, so the sense of belonging is also low. In general, the higher the sense of belonging, the higher the level of moral decision-making, It shows that the correct locus of control and positive sense of belonging are effective strategies to improve the moral decision-making ability of college students. (3) the locus of control plays a regulatory role between the sense of belonging and moral decision. The internal control type has two sides, this kind of student should train the activity participation ability emphatically. The important other type control source should focus on cultivating the ability of dealing with relationships. The opportunistic source of control should focus on increasing the participation of activities and recognition of the environment. No matter what type of psychological locus of control, its ultimate purpose is to improve the overall level of the sense of belonging, and then to promote the ability of moral decision-making. (4) according to the characteristics of antecedents and psychological state, the sense of belonging can be divided into high expectation and high attribution. There are five mixed models: high expectation-low attribution, low expectation-high attribution, low expectation-low attribution. Among them, the students with low expectation and high attribution have the best moral decision ability, the low expectation and low attribution type and general type are the main objects of moral education, and the high expectation and high attribution are the specimen and goal of moral education. High expectations-low attribution is the potential to cause serious problems.


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