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发布时间:2018-08-27 09:46
【摘要】:随着近代科学的突破性发展,,彻底改变了人类与自然进行物质、能量变换的方式与速度,而这一变化也影响到高等教育的教育导向与课程安排。科技理性的不断扩张,理工科课程不断增加,而人文教育则日益凋败,人文价值不断被遮蔽。在经济增长与世俗化的大潮中,科学理性与人文精神的矛盾冲突进一步凸显出来。作为传承文明、开拓创新的主阵地,高等教育担负着诠释人类文明整体性的职责,因此,如何加强高等教育中科学理性与人文精神的融合、突出科学教育的人文意蕴,是近年来世界教育的探讨主题。 本文探讨了中西方的教育定向及其演变发展历程,论述了西方教育中科学理性与人文精神历经了从古代的原始统一到近现代的冲突裂变再到当代的有机融合这样一个肯定—否定—否定之否定的发展过程;而我国科学与人文的发展则从古代注重道德与政治合一的教育思想到近代的“中体西用”再到人文教育和人文精神的失落。文章最后提出了高等教育中科学理性与人文精神的融合路径。 科学理性与人文精神是人类整体文明的重要组成部分,是相辅相成不可分割的。正确认识科学理性与人文精神的关系,加强高等教育中科学理性与人文精神的融合,培养既具科学理性又有人文关怀追求的综合性人才是时代发展、教育发展的必然要求。
[Abstract]:With the breakthrough development of modern science, the way and speed of material and energy transformation between human beings and nature have been completely changed, and this change has also affected the educational orientation and curriculum arrangement of higher education. With the expansion of science and technology, the science and engineering courses are increasing, while the humanities education is failing day by day, and the humanistic value is being obscured. In the tide of economic growth and secularization, the contradiction between scientific reason and humanistic spirit is further highlighted. As the main position of inheriting civilization and blazing new trails, higher education is responsible for interpreting the integrity of human civilization. Therefore, how to strengthen the fusion of scientific rationality and humanistic spirit in higher education and highlight the humanistic implication of scientific education, In recent years, world education is the subject of discussion. This paper discusses the educational orientation and its evolution in China and the West. This paper discusses the development process of scientific rationality and humanistic spirit in western education from the primitive unity of ancient times to the fission of conflict in modern times to the organic integration of modern times. However, the development of science and humanities in China has changed from the educational thought of emphasizing the unity of morality and politics in ancient times to the modern "use of the Chinese and the West" to the loss of the humanistic education and the humanistic spirit. Finally, the article puts forward the fusion path of scientific rationality and humanistic spirit in higher education. Scientific rationality and humanistic spirit are important parts of human civilization and complement each other. To correctly understand the relationship between scientific rationality and humanistic spirit, to strengthen the fusion of scientific rationality and humanistic spirit in higher education, and to cultivate comprehensive talents with scientific rationality and humanistic care are the necessary requirements of the development of the times and the development of education.


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