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发布时间:2018-08-28 13:16
【摘要】:后现代主义美学思潮是后现代主义思潮与美学思潮相结合的产物,,是美学在后现代主义思潮发展过程中的具体体现,也是后现代主义思潮的一种重要表现形式。它主要出现在西方国家并广泛开始于20世纪六、七十年代,涉及到包括艺术和建筑风格、文学、历史、哲学、社会文化和意识形态等众多领域,具有广泛的批判性和反传统性。后现代主义美学思潮一经登陆中国,就直接冲击着当代大学生的思想和价值观、人生观、世界观,强烈影响着他们的生活方式。它更像一把双刃剑给土生土长的当代中国大学生的成长带来积极与消极的影响。 受后现代主义美学思潮的冲击和影响,当代大学生美育教育的现状堪忧,问题不少。当然,后现代主义美学思潮对当代大学生审美情趣也有积极影响,主要表现在尊重审美差异、拓宽审美视野、突破传统的审美方式和标准以及审美观念的开放性、多元化并存等;但更值得我们关注的,则是它的消极影响:如审美观念的“个性”化,审美追求的“流行”化,审美伦理的“世俗”化,审美标准的“功利化等;究其原因主要有:西方社会思潮特别是后现代主义美学思潮的冲击,应试教育的片面化制约以及信息全球化的严峻挑战等;因此,必须全面加强美育教育、正确对待西方美学思潮;以人为本、积极培育正确的审美价值观;积极探索、重构大学生审美伦理道德观念;积极教育与正面引导相结合、有效应对信息全球化的挑战等。总之,加强美育教育改革,在美育教育中吸收后现代主义美学思潮的积极因素,尽量消除其不良影响,对促进当代大学生形成正确的审美观、价值观、人生观、世界观有十分重要的意义。
[Abstract]:The trend of postmodernism aesthetics is the product of the combination of postmodernism trend of thought and aesthetic trend of thought. It is the concrete embodiment of aesthetics in the development process of postmodernism trend of thought, and it is also an important manifestation of postmodernism trend of thought. It mainly appeared in western countries and began widely in the 1960s and 1970s. It involves many fields, including art and architecture, literature, history, philosophy, social culture and ideology, and has a wide range of criticism and anti-tradition. As soon as the trend of postmodernism aesthetics landed in China, it directly impacted the contemporary college students' thoughts and values, outlook on life, world outlook, and strongly influenced their way of life. It is more like a double-edged sword that brings positive and negative effects to the growth of contemporary Chinese college students. Influenced by the trend of postmodernism aesthetics, the present situation of aesthetic education for college students is worrying and there are many problems. Of course, the trend of postmodernism aesthetics also has a positive influence on the aesthetic taste of contemporary college students, which is mainly manifested in respecting aesthetic differences, broadening aesthetic horizons, breaking through the traditional aesthetic methods and standards, and opening up aesthetic concepts. Diversification coexists, but what deserves our attention is its negative influence, such as "individuality" of aesthetic concept, "popularity" of aesthetic pursuit, "secular" of aesthetic ethics, "utilitarianism" of aesthetic standard, etc. The main reasons are: the impact of western social thoughts, especially the trend of postmodernism aesthetics, the one-sided restriction of examination-oriented education and the severe challenge of information globalization, therefore, it is necessary to strengthen aesthetic education in an all-round way. We should treat the western aesthetic trend correctly; take people as the center and cultivate the correct aesthetic values actively; actively explore and reconstruct the aesthetic ethics and moral concept of college students; combine positive education with positive guidance to effectively meet the challenge of information globalization. In a word, we should strengthen the reform of aesthetic education, absorb the positive factors of postmodernism aesthetic trend in aesthetic education, eliminate its negative influence as far as possible, and promote the formation of correct aesthetic standards, values and outlook on life for contemporary college students. The world view is of great significance.


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