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发布时间:2018-08-30 11:45
【摘要】:诚信是一个广为熟知的道德品格范畴,它既呈现出其为人的真实品性,也可呈现出他与其他人交往时的真实品性,还表现为社会公德。诚信问题在我们整个社会中处于很重要的地位,对社会政治,经济,文化生活发挥着重要作用。现在的社会发展日益加快整个城市的进程都在不断地进步。在这段历史的进程中,诚信这两个简单的字,对我们整个社会来说非常重要,它是我们每个人经常议论的一个主题,也成为近年来专家研究的重点课题。最近几年,我们国家对诚信的研究有了新的发展和突破,在诚信的本质方面,在诚信的现实意义方面,在不讲诚信对于我们社会的危害方面,在整个诚信理论统筹建设方面很多专家都不断的在进行研究,但是,我们需要把诚信更细化,所以我认为诚信建设和诚信体系研究对于高校和大学生发展起着重要作用。 诚信是中华民族的传统美德,是全人类的诉求。诚信是每个人的基本品性条件,是每一个公民应该遵守的基本道德。针对当下广大青少年学生从小开展诚信教育,引导广大青年学生说真话,做实事,待人以诚,交友以信,不弄虚作假,提出把社会主义荣辱观教育有机结合并落实到学校教育的各个方面。目前,学术界和教育界都很重视高等学校的诚信道德缺乏,高校是弘扬好培育诚信道德的重要基地,是社会诚信的辐射源,,诚信道德教育是高等学府在新的形势下做好各项工作尤其是思想政治及教育工作的主要内容之一。因此,在当下高等学府对于学生的诚信道德教育和诚信品质这方面的培养势在必行。 本文以高等学校学生诚信教育为研究对象,分为以下几各部分:第一部分是文章的基础理论部分,主要介绍了诚信的内涵、诚信教育的概念界定、诚信教育的内容和目标等内容。只有真正把握的诚信及诚信教育的内涵我们才能建立起行之有效的诚信体系。第二部分分析了高校学生诚信教育和诚信体系构建的意义和重要性。第三部分论述了当前高校学生诚信教育的缺失及其现状。其次,并对导致这一现状的原因和问题进行分析概括。最后针对当前高校诚信教育现状的分析提出解决问题的方法和有效措施.全文按以下逻辑思路展开:首先是概念和原理,其次是研究的意义,再次是现状分析,最后是解决问题的框架。
[Abstract]:Honesty and credit is a widely known category of moral character. It not only presents its true character, but also shows its true character when it relates to other people, and it also shows social morality. Honesty is a very important issue in our society and plays an important role in social politics, economy and cultural life. Social development is speeding up the progress of the whole city. In the course of this history, the two simple words of good faith are very important to our whole society. It is a topic that every one of us often talks about, and has also become the focus of experts' research in recent years. In recent years, our country has made new developments and breakthroughs in the study of honesty and trustworthiness. In terms of its essence, its practical significance and its harm to our society, In the whole integrity theory as a whole, many experts are constantly studying, but we need to refine the integrity, so I think the integrity construction and integrity system research plays an important role in the development of colleges and universities and college students. Honesty is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation and the appeal of all mankind. Good faith is the basic character condition of everyone and the basic morality that every citizen should abide by. In the light of the honesty education carried out by the vast number of young students from an early age, the majority of young students are guided to tell the truth, do real things, treat others honestly, make friends by letter, and do not cheat. Put forward the socialist concept of honor and disgrace education organic integration and implementation of all aspects of school education. At present, academic and educational circles attach great importance to the lack of honesty and credit in colleges and universities. Colleges and universities are an important base for carrying forward and cultivating good faith and are the radiation source of social honesty. Honesty and credit education is one of the main contents of ideological and political and educational work in colleges and universities under the new situation. Therefore, it is imperative to cultivate the students'honesty moral education and honesty quality. This article takes the university student honesty education as the research object, divides into the following several parts: the first part is the basic theory part of the article, mainly introduced the good faith connotation, the credit education concept definition, The content and goal of honesty education. Only if we really grasp the integrity and the connotation of honesty education, we can establish an effective credit system. The second part analyzes the significance and importance of honesty education and credit system construction. The third part discusses the deficiency and present situation of college students'credit education. Secondly, the causes and problems leading to this situation are analyzed and summarized. Finally, according to the analysis of the present situation of honesty education in colleges and universities, the paper puts forward the methods and effective measures to solve the problems. The thesis is based on the following logical ideas: first, the concept and principle, secondly, the significance of the research, then the analysis of the present situation, and finally, the framework of solving the problem.


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