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发布时间:2018-08-31 12:51
【摘要】:为培养合格的教师,高等师范院校扮演着重要角色;高等师范院校通过对师范生四年的培养,让高师生以实习教师的身份进行教育实习实践,目的是促进高师生教师专业技能的发展。因此,在教育实习中所实施的教学评价也是促进高师生教师专业发展的有效管理工具。本研究从师范生实习教学评价着手研究,进而使之更有效地促进高师生教师教学专业化。 本研究以促进高师生教师专业发展为出发点,主要围绕高师生实习教学评价体系探讨研究,借鉴成熟的绩效管理思想来分析并完善现有的实习教师教学评价系统。 本文首先对绩效管理发展进行了详细的阐述,梳理出绩效管理的一般程序,然后结合教师评价系统提炼出了以绩效管理为基础的实习教师评价系统的一般程序。其次,通过文献分析法、调查访谈法,主要根据以绩效管理为基础的实习教师评价系统的一般程序、评价系统有效的三大关键因素,即评价内容、评价标准和评价方法,在此基础上对福建省高等师范院校高师生实习教学评价进行现状和问题分析。第三,通过运用绩效管理的思想来完善现有评价系统,以促进高师生教师专业发展为根本目的的发展性评价作为指导思想,提出构建结合岗前和针对评价结果的培训发展模式,即基于绩效管理的实习教师教学发展性评价与培训新模式。最后,通过系统论、心理学、经济学、工作分析等理论视角分析构建新模式的合理性。
[Abstract]:In order to train qualified teachers, normal colleges play an important role. The aim is to promote the development of teachers' professional skills. Therefore, the teaching evaluation implemented in the teaching practice is also an effective management tool to promote the professional development of teachers and students. This study starts with the evaluation of teaching practice of normal school students, and makes it more effective in promoting the teaching specialization of teachers and students. This study aims at promoting the professional development of teachers and students in colleges and universities, mainly discusses and studies the evaluation system of teaching practice for teachers and students, and analyzes and consummates the existing teaching evaluation system of intern teachers by using mature performance management ideas for reference. In this paper, the development of performance management is described in detail, the general procedures of performance management are sorted out, and then the general procedure of the performance management based on performance management is extracted by combining with the teacher evaluation system. Secondly, through the method of literature analysis, investigation and interview, according to the general procedure of the evaluation system of intern teachers based on performance management, three key factors which are effective in evaluating the system, namely the evaluation content, the evaluation standard and the evaluation method, are discussed. On this basis, the current situation and problems of teaching evaluation of teachers and students in normal colleges and universities in Fujian Province are analyzed. Thirdly, by using the idea of performance management to perfect the existing evaluation system, and taking the developmental evaluation of promoting the professional development of teachers and students as the guiding ideology, the paper puts forward a training development model combining pre-post and evaluation results. That is, the new model of teaching development evaluation and training based on performance management. Finally, the rationality of the new model is analyzed from the perspective of system theory, psychology, economics and job analysis.


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