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发布时间:2018-08-31 20:57
【摘要】:台湾地区“教育部”于1992年提出大学法修正草案以来,关于公立大学的法律地位、大学法人治理结构、教育评鉴等问题引起了激烈的争论。公立大学法人化,指的是通过法制,赋予公立大学法人资格,成为权力主体,将隶属于教育部之下的公立大学,提升为法律上的权利主体。 台湾公立大学法人化改革是在西方国家行政体制改革和知识经济全球化的国际背景下提出的,目的是为了改变台湾高等教育现状,提升国际竞争力同时解决政府教育经费紧缺等问题。法人化改革也是学校本身的要求,学校希望拥有真正的学术自由和大学自治,让大学发展迈向卓越。 我国台湾地区公立大学法人化改革深受德国和日本的影响,本论文分析回顾德国和日本的公立大学法人制度,研究公立高等学校在这些国家中的法律地位,从中发现台湾公立大学法人化改革的参照物与影响源。 台湾公立大学法人化改革的内容是本论文研究的重点。在梳理了台湾公立大学法人的历史沿革和大学法人的性质的基础上,着重分析了台湾大学法人化在内部的组织架构、人事与财务制度、监督和评鉴等方面的变革。 台湾有识之士都认可台湾公立大学需要改革,但是具体改革的内容和方法存在一些问题和争议,,这也是台湾国立大学法人化推行缓慢的实质原因。台湾学者也对这些争论进行了反思,希望进一步推进台湾公立大学法人化改革。 我国台湾与大陆教育文化、办学模式等方面有很大的共性,所以研究台湾公立大学的法人化改革有着十分重要的意义。笔者通过对台湾公立大学法人化改革内容的研究,总结出对我国大陆地区高等教育体制改革的借鉴和启示之处。
[Abstract]:Since the "Ministry of Education" in Taiwan put forward the revised draft of the University Law in 1992, the legal status of public universities, the governance structure of university legal persons and the evaluation of education have aroused fierce controversy. The legalization of public universities means that, through the legal system, public universities are endowed with legal personality and become the subject of power, which will be subordinate to the public universities under the Ministry of Education and be promoted to the subject of legal rights. The reform of legalization of public universities in Taiwan was put forward under the international background of the reform of administrative system and the globalization of knowledge economy in western countries, with the aim of changing the current situation of higher education in Taiwan. To improve international competitiveness and solve the shortage of government education funds and other issues. The reform of legalization is also a requirement of the school itself. The university hopes to have real academic freedom and university autonomy, so that the development of the university can advance to excellence. The reform of legalization of public universities in Taiwan is deeply influenced by Germany and Japan. This paper analyzes and reviews the legal system of public universities in Germany and Japan, and studies the legal status of public universities in these countries. From this, we find the reference and influence source of the legal reform of public universities in Taiwan. The content of legalization reform of public universities in Taiwan is the focus of this thesis. On the basis of combing the historical evolution of the legal person of Taiwan public university and the nature of the university legal person, this paper emphatically analyzes the changes in the internal organizational structure, personnel and financial system, supervision and evaluation of the legalization of Taiwan university. People with insight in Taiwan all agree that public universities in Taiwan need to be reformed, but there are some problems and controversies in the contents and methods of specific reforms, which is the essential reason for the slow implementation of legalization in Taiwan National University. Taiwan scholars also reflect on these debates and hope to further promote the reform of legalization of public universities in Taiwan. The educational culture and the mode of running a school in Taiwan and mainland China have great commonness, so it is of great significance to study the reform of legalization of public universities in Taiwan. Through the research on the contents of the reform of the legalization of Taiwan public universities, the author summarizes the references and revelations to the reform of the higher education system in the mainland of China.


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