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发布时间:2018-08-31 20:44
【摘要】:价值观是人们以自身的需要为尺度,对事物重要性的认识的观念系统。通俗地说,就是人们认为什么事物最重要、最有意义、最有价值的看法。价值观作为一种观念系统,对人的思想和行为具有一定的导向或调节作用,使之指向一定的目标或带有一定的倾向性。在社会主义市场经济条件下,由于体制的更新,社会利益关系的分化与重组,社会经济、政治、文化等多个方面发生了巨大的变化。社会经济的快速发展,国际间交流的越来越频繁,中西方文化的不断碰撞、冲突、交融,这一切变化,对于处在文化核心层的价值观,尤其是当代大学生的价值观产生了深刻的影响,呈现出空前的多元性和复杂性的特点。因此,当代大学生价值观的教育一直是高校思想政治教育的一项重要内容,它关系到学校应怎样培养以及应培养出什么样的人的问题。因此,探讨和研究当代大学生的价值观对于引导其在市场经济中合理地发挥积极作用,推动社会良性循环和向健康向上的方向快速有序地发展有着积极的意义。本文从社会主义市场经济与当代大学生价值观形成的关系入手,在借鉴国内外研究成果的基础上,系统地分析了社会主义市场经济对当代大学生价值观的积极影响和消极影响,及问题存在的原因,进而深入探讨当代大学生价值观建设的方法和途径。 第一部分:社会主义市场经济’与当代大学生价值观形成的关系。从社会主义市场经济的特征入手,阐述了当代大学生价值观的特殊表现,从而着重分析了市场经济的发展对当代大学生价值观的形成与发展都起着非常重要的作用。 第二部分:社会主义市场经济对当代大学生价值观的双重影响。社会主义市场经济的发展给当代大学生价值观带来了积极和消极的双重影响。从主流来看,市场经济对当代大学生价值观的影响是积极向上的,主要体现在政治态度积极、道德认识水平较高、自我意识、独立性增加、人生价值注重奉献,合理索取。但同时也应该看到,市场经济的本质是一种利益关系、金钱关系,它对当代大学生的价值观也产生了负而影响,比如功利主义、拜金主义等。因此,市场经济的负面效应足造成这种局面的重要原因,此外,高校政治工作的不足,不良的社会风气,当代大学生自身因素的问题也同样不能忽视。 第三部分:社会主义市场经济条件下当代大学生价值观教育对策研究。首先,必须建立与社会主义市场经济发展相适应的当代大学生价值观体系。社会主义核心价值体系的提出,为我们如何正确引导当代大学生树立正确、科学的价值观体系指明了方向。其次,要发挥高校价值观教育的主导作用,加强高校教师队伍建设。再次,必须优化社会政治环境、经济环境、文化环境,为当代大学生营造良好的社会氛围。最后,必须发挥当代大学生的主观能动性,要加强自身的建设,并且提高自我教育的能力。
[Abstract]:Values are the concept system of people's understanding of the importance of things according to their own needs. Popularly speaking, what people think is the most important, most meaningful, most valuable view. As a kind of concept system, values have a certain guiding or regulating effect on people's thought and behavior, and make them point to a certain goal or have a certain tendency. Under the condition of socialist market economy, great changes have taken place in many aspects such as social economy, politics, culture and so on, due to the renewal of the system, the differentiation and reorganization of the social interest relationship. With the rapid development of social economy, the increasing frequency of international exchanges, the continuous collision, conflict, and blending of Chinese and Western cultures, all these changes have affected the values at the core of the culture. In particular, the values of contemporary college students have a profound impact, showing unprecedented diversity and complexity characteristics. Therefore, the education of contemporary college students' values has always been an important part of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, which is related to how to cultivate and what kind of people should be cultivated in schools. Therefore, it is of positive significance to explore and study the values of contemporary college students in order to guide them to play a positive role in the market economy, to promote the social virtuous circle and to develop rapidly and orderly in the healthy and upward direction. Starting with the relationship between the socialist market economy and the formation of contemporary college students' values, this paper systematically analyzes the positive and negative effects of socialist market economy on the values of contemporary college students on the basis of the domestic and foreign research results. And the causes of the problems, and then explore the contemporary college students' values construction methods and approaches. The first part: the relationship between socialist market economy and contemporary college students' values. Starting with the characteristics of socialist market economy, this paper expounds the special expression of contemporary college students' values, and analyzes emphatically that the development of market economy plays a very important role in the formation and development of contemporary college students' values. The second part: the double influence of socialist market economy on the values of contemporary college students. The development of socialist market economy has brought both positive and negative influences to the values of contemporary college students. From the mainstream, the influence of market economy on the values of contemporary college students is positive, mainly reflected in the positive political attitude, high level of moral understanding, self-consciousness and independence, and the value of life pays attention to dedication and reasonable demand. But at the same time, we should also see that the essence of market economy is a relationship of interest and money, which has a negative impact on the values of contemporary college students, such as utilitarianism, money worship and so on. Therefore, the negative effect of market economy is an important reason for this situation. In addition, the insufficiency of political work in colleges and universities, the bad social atmosphere and the problems of contemporary college students' own factors can not be ignored. The third part: under the socialist market economy condition, the contemporary university student values education countermeasure research. First of all, must establish the contemporary university student value system which adapts with the socialist market economy development. The proposal of socialist core value system points out the direction of how to correctly guide contemporary college students to set up correct and scientific value system. Secondly, we should give play to the leading role of value education in colleges and universities, and strengthen the construction of teachers in colleges and universities. Third, we must optimize the social political environment, economic environment, cultural environment, and create a good social atmosphere for contemporary college students. Finally, we must give full play to the subjective initiative of contemporary college students, strengthen their own construction and improve their ability of self-education.


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