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发布时间:2018-09-01 10:24
【摘要】:“课程目标”这一概念在现代课程理论中十分重要。在课程编制过程中所确定的目标,在很大程度上会对学校教学工作起引导和制约作用。在过去的几十年中,众多国内外教育先驱对“课程目标”的制定及分类提出了自己的理论观点,这对于课程及整个教育过程起到了极大的指导作用。 我国广播电视的繁荣发展催生了广播电视教育的发展,目前全国开设播音主持专业的高校有300多家。我国除了中国传媒大学、浙江传媒大学几所专业性传媒院校开设播音主持专业以外,各类综合性大学也争先开设播音主持专业,在多学科多专业的学术背景下,很难根据专业特色针对性地制定教育目标。目前,大多数高校播音主持专业的人才培养目标和课程目标都还参照中国传媒大学、浙江传媒大学这两所专业院校制设定、执行,这类做法造成的后果是:高校播音主持专业的课程目标趋同,培养的学生没有特色,和媒体一线的需求不接轨,人才输送困难。其次,高校播音主持专业的教师被束缚在一个虚设的课程目标里,,提供给学生的几乎是和社会绝缘的知识,教师自身教育理论研究能力比较薄弱,教学不规范。 科学设置的课程目标可以对学生学业成就进行测量和评价,但目前部分开设播音主持专业的学校还没有大力开展科学的课程开发工作,忽略了课程目标设置对教学的积极意义。本研究的目的在于,希望通过对前人提出的“课程目标”理论研究,总结“课程目标”中与播音主持专业课程相关的理论,以这些理论为依据,研究播音主持专业理想的“课程目标”。 在新闻主播培养策略的研究方面,笔者的研究基于两个基础:一是笔者所提出的理想的“课程目标视野”,二是与制定新闻主播培养策略相关的对象研究。在这两个基础之下,思考在“课程目标视野下”新闻主播的培养应运用哪些策略。从而使更多具备专业条件、专业基础、艺术追求的学生在优化设置后的课程目标下,得到更加科学合理有效的高校艺术教育。
[Abstract]:The concept of "curriculum objective" is very important in modern curriculum theory. The goals set in the course of curriculum development will, to a great extent, guide and restrict the teaching work in schools. In the past few decades, many educational pioneers at home and abroad have put forward their own theoretical views on the formulation and classification of "curriculum objectives", which has played a great role in guiding the curriculum and the whole process of education. The prosperous development of radio and television in China has given birth to the development of radio and television education. At present, there are more than 300 colleges and universities offering broadcasting and hosting major in China. In addition to the Communication University of China and several professional media colleges and universities of Zhejiang Communication University, all kinds of comprehensive universities are also scrambling to set up broadcasting and hosting specialties. In the academic context of multi-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary studies, It is difficult to set educational goals in accordance with professional characteristics. At present, the personnel training goals and curriculum objectives of the broadcasting and hosting major in most colleges and universities are also set and implemented in the light of the system of the two major universities, Communication University of China and Zhejiang Communication University. The result of this kind of practice is that the curriculum goal of broadcasting and hosting major in colleges and universities converges, the students are not characteristic, they are not in line with the needs of the media line, and it is difficult to transfer talents. Secondly, the teachers of the major of broadcasting and hosting in colleges and universities are bound in a fictitious curriculum objective, providing students with almost socially insulated knowledge. The teachers' own educational theory research ability is relatively weak, and the teaching is not standardized. The curriculum goal set by science can measure and evaluate the students' academic achievement, but at present, some schools with broadcasting and hosting major have not carried out the scientific curriculum development work, neglecting the positive significance of curriculum goal setting to the teaching. The purpose of this study is to sum up the theories related to the broadcasting and hosting courses in the course objectives, which are based on these theories, through the research on the theory of "curriculum objectives" put forward by the predecessors. Study the ideal "curriculum objectives" for the professional broadcaster. In the research of the training strategy of news anchorman, the author's research is based on two foundations: one is the ideal "curriculum goal vision" proposed by the author, the other is the research on the object related to the development of the training strategy of news anchor. On the basis of these two theories, this paper considers what strategies should be used in the training of news anchorman in the vision of curriculum objectives. So as to make more students with professional conditions, professional foundation, art pursuit in the optimization of the curriculum objectives, to obtain more scientific, reasonable and effective art education in colleges and universities.


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