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发布时间:2018-09-01 10:42
【摘要】:世界上第一台计算机于1946年发明以来,短暂的60多年来,计算机技术迅猛发展。虽然第一台计算机的体积特别大,使用不太方便,但是它在科学领域上得到了人们的欢迎。到20世纪60年代,随着世界各国和地区之间的交流日益增加,通过计算机共享各种资源变成了时代和科学技术的迫切需要。在这种情况下,科学家们通过反复的研究,终于发明了计算机网络。最早的计算机网络只由几台计算机相互连接而成的,后来网络的范围越来越扩大,如今,计算机网络使今日世界变成了一个小村。在我国,从1994年开始,人们使用了计算机网络。计算机网络在教育领域的使用使教育得到了很大的发展。大学生思想政治教育是其中的一个组成部分。 在新疆,尤其是南疆地区来说,信息的封闭现象依然存在,而网络这一新的信息传播工具消除了距离和时间的限制,大大提高了资源共享的效率。于是大学思想政治教育工作迎来了一定的机遇和挑战。新疆是多民族的地区,如何加强对少数民族大学生的思想政治教育和如何把思想政治教育和网络互相结合是摆在我们面前的现实问题。 本文首先叙述了本文的研究目的和意义,提出了国内外研究状况,阐明了研究方法、手段及采取的措施。 其次,分析了网络与思想政治教育的关系。 然后,结合喀什师范学院的实际情况,分析了网络对少数民族大学生思想政治教育带来的机遇和冲击。 最后,以先前的分析为依据,,对实际操作层面出现的诸多问题一一进行了思考和分析,提高少数民族大学生网络思想政治教育工作重要性的认识,改进少数民族大学生网络思想政治教育工作的方法,提高少数民族大学生网络思想政治教育工作者的素质,巩固和发展少数民族大学生思想政治教育网络阵地,完善少数民族大学生网络思想政治教育工作的网络管理体制,使网络在少数民族大学生思想政治教育中发挥应有的重要作用。
[Abstract]:Since the invention of the world's first computer in 1946, computer technology has developed rapidly in the past 60 years. Although the first computer was particularly large and inconvenient to use, it was welcomed in the field of science. By the 1960s, with the increasing communication between countries and regions in the world, sharing all kinds of resources by computer has become an urgent need of the times and science and technology. In this case, scientists through repeated research, finally invented the computer network. The first computer network was made up of only a few computers connected to each other, and the scope of the network has been expanded. Today, the computer network has turned the world into a small village. In our country, people have used computer network since 1994. The use of computer network in the field of education has made great progress in education. The ideological and political education of college students is a part of it. In Xinjiang, especially in southern Xinjiang, the phenomenon of information closure still exists, and the network, a new information dissemination tool, eliminates the limitation of distance and time, and greatly improves the efficiency of resource sharing. As a result, ideological and political education in universities ushered in certain opportunities and challenges. Xinjiang is a multi-ethnic region, how to strengthen the ideological and political education of ethnic minority college students and how to combine ideological and political education with the network is a realistic problem in front of us. This paper first describes the purpose and significance of this study, puts forward the research situation at home and abroad, expounds the research methods, means and measures taken. Secondly, it analyzes the relationship between network and ideological and political education. Then, combined with the actual situation of Kashi normal College, this paper analyzes the opportunity and impact of network on ideological and political education of minority college students. Finally, on the basis of the previous analysis, I think and analyze many problems which appear in the practical operation level, so as to raise the awareness of the importance of the ideological and political education work of ethnic minority college students on the network. To improve the methods of ideological and political education for ethnic minority college students, to improve the quality of network ideological and political education workers of ethnic minority college students, and to consolidate and develop the network position of ideological and political education for ethnic minority college students. To perfect the network management system of ideological and political education of ethnic minority college students, make the network play an important role in the ideological and political education of minority college students.


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