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发布时间:2018-09-01 19:23
【摘要】:长期以来,高校学生社团通过自主的开展一系列集思想性、娱乐性、学术性、文化性于一体的活动,成为构建校园文化的主要组成部分。同时,高校学生社团活动的广泛开展也为广大青年学生提供了一个在课余时间施展才华的舞台。随着我国高等教育体制改革的逐步深入的发展,高校学生的自我教育、自我管理、自我服务的意识进一步明确,高校学生社团管理的理论研究的需求变得更加迫切。 本文在总结分析了国内外相关研究进展的基础上,运用实地调查研究的方法,对大连工业大学学生社团管理的现状进行了深入的调查分析。调查表明,大连工业大学学生社团管理中还存在一定的问题,主要包括学生社团管理体制不健全不规范;学生社团发展受到经费、场地、设备等多方面条件制约;学生社团活动质量有待提高;学生社团活动缺乏创新意识等。之所以存在这些问题,主要原因在于学生社团层级管理不明确、学生社团管理制度不完善、经费支持力度薄弱等。为改进大连工业大学学生社团管理中存在的问题,应该从加强内涵建设和育人功能、规范管理体制、提高社团活动质量、推进大学生社团社会化等四个方面,采取积极的改进措施,使高校学生社团能够健康有序发展。
[Abstract]:For a long time, college student associations have become the main component of constructing campus culture by carrying out a series of activities which are ideological, entertaining, academic and cultural. At the same time, the extensive development of college student associations also provides a stage for young students to display their talents in their spare time. With the development of the reform of higher education system in China, the consciousness of self-education, self-management and self-service of college students becomes more and more clear, and the need of theoretical research on the management of college students' associations becomes more urgent. On the basis of summarizing and analyzing the related research progress at home and abroad, this paper makes a thorough investigation and analysis on the present situation of student association management in Dalian University of Technology by using the method of field investigation. The investigation shows that there are still some problems in the management of student associations in Dalian University of Technology, which mainly include the unsound and unstandardized management system of student associations, the development of student associations being restricted by various conditions, such as funds, venues, equipment, and so on. The quality of student community activities needs to be improved, and the students' community activities lack of innovative consciousness. The main reasons for these problems are that the management of student associations is not clear, the management system of student associations is not perfect, the financial support is weak and so on. In order to improve the problems existing in the management of student associations in Dalian University of Technology, we should strengthen the connotation construction and educational function, standardize the management system, improve the quality of community activities, and promote the socialization of college students' associations. Take positive improvement measures to make the university student association develop healthily and orderly.


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