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发布时间:2018-09-04 08:47
【摘要】:我国自新中国成立以来的三十多年中,高等教育实施的是“精英教育”,大学毕业生作为精英人才是社会的稀缺资源,大学毕业生就业是计划分配,因而不存在就业问题。1979年开始,我国进行经济体制改革,大学毕业生就业计划分配体制也随之变化,由计划分配转向自主择业,大学生就业问题初现。随着1999年高等教育的扩招,到21世纪初,大学生就业问题日益突出,呈现众多困难。 职业是人社会化的必经之路,而就业是大学毕业生职业发展历程中的重要的起点性环节。面对大学生就业问题,为大学生群体实施有效的就业援助,有利于其顺利实现从学校到工作的转变,促进其职业能力的提升。基于就业援助的重要性,目前我国不同主体针对大学生群体提供了各种各样的就业援助,但这些措施是否满足了学生的需求?还存在怎样的问题?如何在满足大学生需求的基础上,建构符合我国国情的大学生就业援助体系?这是本论文需探讨的主要问题。 为解决以上问题,本文采用问卷调研法分析大学生目前亟需的大学生就业援助内容、形式等,在问卷分析的基础上,借助文献法和访谈法从大学生的职业发展需求视角审视我国大学生就业援助的实施现状和问题,然后采用文献法借鉴国内外比较先进的大学生就业援助案例,试图为解决我国大学生就业援助的问题作参考,最后建构和完善符合我国国情的大学生就业援助体系。 本论文共分为五章进行探讨: 第一章绪论部分。这一部分对本文选题的缘由、研究对象的确立,相关概念的界定以及前人的研究基础等进行了梳理,同时对论文的整体思路进行了设计。这部分是全文论述的重要前提。 第二章调查我国大学生就业援助的需求及存在的问题。本章对大学生的职业发展需求以及遇到的问题进行问卷调研,通过问卷分析发现,大学生亟需的就要援助内容主要包括:大学生对实习实践工作经验的需求:大学生对职业培训的需求;大学生对职业指导的需求。大学生亟需的就业援助形式主要包括大学生对援助主体的选择和不同职业发展阶段的需求。此外,大学生对就业保障体系也有一定需求。这为下文调研各主体针对大学生群体开展的就业援助实施情况做铺垫。 第三章根据大学生的需求审视我国各实施主体对大学生群体开展就业援助的情况。本章主要以政府的大学生见习计划的实施、高校的就业指导工作、用人单位的企业实习及培训机构的资格证书培训为例,总结我国大学生就业援助的问题,其问题主要包括:一、援助理念没有从大学生的需求出发;二、援助主体之间合作不紧密;三、援助体系没有注重大学生职前职后的贯通;四、援助措施缺乏有力的政策法律保证。 第四章针对第三章大学生就业援助实施中存在的问题,以不同主体为分类依据,借鉴国内外的先进做法,其经验包括:一、援助理念:以大学生的需求为出发点;二、援助主体:不同主体之间分工合作:三、援助体系:注重大学生职前职后培训的贯通;四、援助保障:完善的法律政策保障。 第五章在前几章的基础上,建构我国的大学生就业援助实践策略,主要包括:一、就业援助理念以大学生需求为出发点;二、援助主体应注重不同主体之间的分工合作:三、援助体系应注重大学生职前职后的贯通;四、援助保障应注重法律政策的完善。
[Abstract]:In the past 30 years since the founding of New China, higher education has been carrying out "elite education". College graduates, as elite talents, are scarce resources of the society. The employment of college graduates is planned distribution, so there is no employment problem. Since 1979, China has carried out economic system reform and the distribution system of employment plan for college graduates. With the expansion of higher education in 1999 and the beginning of the 21st century, the employment problem of college students has become increasingly prominent and presents many difficulties.
Career is the only way for people to socialize, and employment is an important starting point in the career development of College graduates. Faced with the employment problem of College students, effective employment assistance for college students is conducive to their smooth transition from school to work, and promote their professional ability. At present, different subjects in our country have provided various kinds of employment assistance for college students, but whether these measures meet the needs of students? What are the problems? How to construct an employment assistance system for college students on the basis of meeting the needs of College students? This is the main problem to be discussed in this paper.
In order to solve the above problems, this paper uses the method of questionnaire survey to analyze the content and form of College Students'employment assistance urgently needed at present. On the basis of questionnaire analysis, with the help of literature method and interview method, this paper examines the implementation status and problems of College Students' employment assistance from the perspective of College Students'career development needs, and then uses the method of literature to draw lessons from other countries. The domestic and foreign advanced cases of College Students'employment assistance try to solve the problem of College Students' employment assistance as a reference, and finally construct and perfect the college students'employment assistance system in line with China's national conditions.
This thesis is divided into five chapters:
The first chapter is the introduction part. This part combs the reasons for the topic, the establishment of the research object, the definition of related concepts and the research foundation of predecessors, and designs the overall idea of the paper. This part is the important premise of the full text.
Chapter 2 investigates the needs and problems of employment assistance for college students in China. This chapter makes a questionnaire survey on the needs of College Students'career development and the problems they encounter. The forms of employment assistance urgently needed by college students mainly include the choice of aid subjects and the needs of different career development stages. In addition, college students also have a certain demand for employment security system. Prepare for the situation.
Chapter 3 examines the employment assistance provided to the undergraduates by the various implementing bodies according to the needs of the undergraduates. This chapter mainly takes the implementation of the government's undergraduate probation program, the employment guidance work of the universities, the enterprise practice of the employing units and the qualification certificate training of the training institutions as examples to summarize the problems of the employment assistance for the undergraduates in China. The main problems include: first, the concept of aid does not start from the needs of College students; second, the cooperation between the main aid is not close; third, the aid system does not pay attention to the coherence of college students before and after work; fourth, the aid measures lack of strong policy and legal guarantee.
Chapter Four aims at the problems existing in the implementation of College Students'employment assistance in Chapter Three, based on the classification of different subjects and drawing on the advanced practices at home and abroad, and its experience includes: First, aid concept: starting from the needs of College students; Second, aid subject: division of labor and cooperation between different subjects: Third, aid system: paying attention to college students' pre-service work After training, four, aid guarantee: perfect legal policy guarantee.
The fifth chapter, on the basis of the previous chapters, constructs the practical strategies of employment assistance for college students in China, mainly including: first, the idea of employment assistance is based on the needs of College students; second, the main body of assistance should pay attention to the division of labor and cooperation between different subjects; third, the aid system should pay attention to the coherence of college students before and after their employment; fourth, the aid guarantee should pay attention to. The perfection of legal policy.


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