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发布时间:2018-09-04 15:47
【摘要】:大学是一个探求高深学问、追求真理的场所,反思、批判与求真是其始终不渝的使命。批判功能是大学的亲本功能,相应地,批判精神作为其亲本功能的意识表现形式,是大学精神不可或缺的组成部分。正如皮埃尔·布迪厄所说:“民主社会必须鼓励批判精神,包括自我批判。对民主而言,批判是不可或缺的”,只有在不断反思与自我批判的基础上,知识的更新与社会的发展才能成为可能。处于社会转型时期的当代中国大学受功利主义、工具主义思想的影响,大学自我批判精神走向式微,大学的文化、精神和大学教育面临着异化的危机。 针对当前中国大学自我批判精神式微的现状,本文尝试通过四步对其进行表征、归因,并试图提出相应对策与建议使其自我批判精神得以回归与弘扬: 首先,在概念界定与维度划分方面,通过解析大学自我批判精神的涵义,分析大学自我批判精神的必要性及其积极意义,构建出大学自我批判精神体现的形式、逻辑以及大学自我批判的主、客体等; 其次,在现实表征与归因方面,从大学精神异化、大学教育“麦当劳化”、大学生活“娱乐化”以及大学族群责任感迷失四个方面对当代中国大学自我批判精神式微进行现实表征; 再次,通过文献整理与分析,并从大学系统内部做出大学人文精神阙失、大学教育价值取向功利化、大学人生哲学教育缺失以及大学学术人边缘化四个方面的归因; 最后,在强化当代中国大学自我批判精神的路径构想方面,结合对其的现实表征与归因分析,试图通过执守大学精神、回归人本教育以及强化大学生命哲学教育、提高大学族群责任意识等路径,强化当前中国大学自我批判精神。
[Abstract]:University is a place to seek advanced knowledge and truth. It is its unswerving mission to reflect, criticize and seek truth. The critical function is the parental function of the university. Accordingly, the critical spirit, as the form of consciousness expression of its parental function, is an indispensable part of the university spirit. As Pierre Bourdieu said, "A democratic society must encourage the spirit of criticism, including self-criticism. For democracy, criticism is indispensable. Only on the basis of continuous reflection and self-criticism, can the renewal of knowledge and the development of society become possible. Under the influence of utilitarianism and instrumentalism in the period of social transformation, the spirit of self-criticism of universities tends to decline, and the culture, spirit and education of universities are facing the crisis of alienation. In view of the present situation of the decline of self-criticism spirit in Chinese universities, this paper attempts to characterize and attribute it through four steps, and tries to put forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to make it return and carry forward its self-critical spirit: first of all, In the aspect of concept definition and dimension division, by analyzing the meaning of university self-critical spirit, the necessity and positive significance of university self-critical spirit are analyzed, and the form of university self-critical spirit is constructed. Logic and the subject and object of university self-criticism; secondly, in the aspect of realistic representation and attribution, the university spirit is alienated, and the university education is "McDonald's". The "entertainment" of college life and the loss of the sense of ethnic responsibility of the university represent the decline of the self-critical spirit of contemporary Chinese universities; thirdly, through literature collation and analysis, And from within the university system to make the university humanistic spirit deficiency, the university education value orientation utilitarian, the university life philosophy education deficiency and the university academic person marginalization four aspects attribution; finally, In the aspect of strengthening the path of self-critical spirit of contemporary Chinese universities, combining with its realistic representation and attribution analysis, this paper attempts to strengthen the college life philosophy education by adhering to the university spirit, returning to the humanistic education and strengthening the university life philosophy education. To enhance the sense of ethnic responsibility of universities and strengthen the spirit of self-criticism in Chinese universities.


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