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发布时间:2018-09-04 20:33
[Abstract]:Under such a severe employment environment, with the number of college graduates increasing year by year, their employment problem has received widespread attention from the government and society. The work of employment apprenticeship of college graduates is determined to increase the working experience of graduates and promote the employment of graduates, so the research on employment apprenticeship of college graduates has become a hot spot. This paper, while investigating the purpose, the main duties and the work steps of the work of employment probation, finds that there are many problems in the development of the work of employment apprenticeship in our country. According to the new public service theory, the function of the government is to provide service, and the work of graduate employment internship is a way for the government to provide the service; the excellent performance model can provide a way to achieve high quality of service, so, This article will use the new public service theory and the outstanding performance model theory to carry on the analysis to the work of the government and the student base in the employment probation work, in order to obtain the better work result, at the same time, Based on the successful experience of Germany, this paper discusses how to solve the problems in employment trainee work. In this paper, the author summarizes and analyzes the research on employment trainee at home and abroad, expounds the important concepts, the main contents and applicability of the new public service theory and the excellent performance model. At the same time, this paper describes the successful practice of dual-system employment internship in Germany, paving the way for the countermeasures and suggestions of this paper. On the basis of analyzing the present situation of employment work of college graduates in Shenyang, this paper finds out the outstanding problems existing in the work of employment apprenticeship, analyzes the causes of the problems, and, in combination with the practice, puts forward some suggestions to strengthen the understanding of the work of employment apprenticeship. Strengthen the leading role of the government, the employment trainee into the campus and formulate the relevant legal system countermeasures, in order to better promote the Shenyang City employment probation work.


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