[Abstract]:With the relaxation of cross-strait relations and the official opening of the "three links" era, educational exchanges and cooperation between the two sides have further developed compared with the past. As the representative province of cross-strait exchanges and cooperation, Fujian Province has become an important project of substantive cooperation in higher education between Fujian and Taiwan, and has achieved certain results. However, due to the special political environment on both sides of the strait, the scale of running schools has expanded rapidly. Under the influence of many factors, such as immature school running experience and various kinds of school policy obstacles, the risk of running a school has become an urgent problem to be faced by the cooperative school managers. Based on the traditional risk management theory and the particularity of the cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan universities, this paper puts forward two theoretical research hypotheses. One is that the risks faced by cooperative schools belong to a kind of objective phenomena, the other is that the risks of cooperative running schools can be effectively controlled. This article mainly adopts the literature analysis method and the investigation research method to carry out the research on the risk management of Fujian-Taiwan colleges and universities' cooperation in running a school, the author analyzes the risk of running a school by combing the literature, the network and other materials, and summarizes the basic situation of the cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan universities in running a school. Combined with the general theory of risk and risk management and the basic classification of risk in the risk management of colleges and universities, this paper puts forward six kinds of risks that coincide with the practice of running a school in cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan colleges and universities. To identify and measure the risk of running a university in Fujian and Taiwan, and to test six kinds of risks by using the results of empirical investigation. Risk possibility and risk influence are used to evaluate the risks faced by cooperative schools. Finally, by analyzing the risk results obtained by risk possibility and risk influence, the paper verifies the two theoretical hypotheses studied in this paper, and then summarizes and discusses the risk conclusions of the empirical research. Therefore, the paper puts forward the corresponding risk response and control strategy in line with the risk results and current situation of the cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan colleges and universities.
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