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发布时间:2018-09-06 08:47
【摘要】:高校做为社会培养人才的摇篮,随着社会和高校的发展,高校与社会的联系越来越紧密。高校师生员工的思想比较活跃,接收新鲜事物能力强,对待新生事物有主见,喜欢发表自己言论,伴随校园网络的不断扩建和升级,手机和电脑大面积普及,不良或不实信息传播的越来越快,涉及到的范围越来越广,给学校的办学、科研、声誉、管理带来巨大影响。高校舆论相比其他地方比较集中。进行高校舆情问题研究对于了解高校舆情动向,引导高校舆情走向,解决高校舆情危机有很大的帮助。 高校舆情危机产生必然依托于高校舆情的产生。随着社会政治、经济、文化的进步,中国各大高校得到了很大的发展,发展的同时,一些旧有的矛盾,不合理的制度,以及一些发展过程中凸显的问题就慢慢的浮现出来。比如高校扩招,大学由精英教育转为大众化教育,转型过程中扩招速度与规模、公平与效率、公办高校与民办高校的矛盾。除此之外,一部分高校还在一定程度上存在学术不端、违规招生、校内安全隐患、师生犯罪等问题。高校由于其学术研究、教书育人的社会职能,导致高校产生的矛盾和事件很容易成为社会关注的焦点,从而产生舆论。高校师生来自全国各地,加上现在互联网平台强大,每当高校师生就某个问题发表言论时都会吸引其他民众参加,这其中一些具有影响力、带有倾向性的言论在没有管理者的干预情况下必然会成为舆论的主流,当这种言论扩散到一定程度时,高校舆情就产生了,高校舆情不仅对社会和高校的发展有帮助,还可能引发潜在的舆情危机。现在大部分高校还在依靠宣传部、保卫处、党委办公室等兼职人员进行舆情收集,,由于没有专职人员,舆情的研究和汇报常常以月报、信息通报等形式汇总,有时甚至形同虚设。没有专门的舆情研究机构和专职人员对舆情进行具体分析研究,一旦舆情危机爆发,由于平时缺乏舆情信息的收集和分析,对舆情缺乏了解,分析不全面,处置不及时、不得当,就会给学校带来不良的后果和负面效应。 本文对目前高校舆情危机管理存在的问题和产生问题的原因进行了研究,在文章的最后提出了高校舆情危机管理的一些基本对策和完善高校舆情危机管理的相关机制。
[Abstract]:Colleges and universities as the cradle of social training, with the development of society and universities, colleges and universities are more and more closely linked with society. Teachers and students in colleges and universities have more active ideas, strong ability to receive new things, have their own views on new things, like to express their own opinions, and with the continuous expansion and upgrading of the campus network, mobile phones and computers are widely used. Bad or false information is spreading more and more quickly, involving a wide range of schools, scientific research, reputation, management has a great impact. Public opinion in colleges and universities is more concentrated than in other places. The research of university public opinion is helpful to understand the trend of university public opinion, guide the trend of university public opinion and solve the crisis of university public opinion. The crisis of university public opinion must depend on the generation of university public opinion. With the progress of social politics, economy and culture, the universities and colleges in China have got great development. At the same time, some old contradictions, unreasonable systems, and some problems highlighted in the process of development have emerged slowly. For example, college enrollment expansion, universities from elite education to popular education, in the process of the expansion of enrollment speed and scale, fairness and efficiency, public and private colleges and universities contradictions. In addition, some colleges and universities also have some problems such as academic misconduct, illegal enrollment, hidden safety problems, teacher and student crime and so on. Because of its academic research, the social function of teaching and educating people, the contradictions and events produced by colleges and universities can easily become the focus of social attention and thus generate public opinion. College teachers and students come from all over the country, and now the Internet platform is strong, and whenever college teachers and students make statements on a certain issue, they attract other people to participate. Some of these have influence. Opinion with a tendency will inevitably become the mainstream of public opinion without the intervention of the administrator. When this kind of speech spreads to a certain extent, the public opinion of colleges and universities will come into being. Public opinion in colleges and universities will not only help the development of society and colleges, It could also trigger a potential crisis of public opinion. At present, most colleges and universities are still relying on part-time personnel such as propaganda departments, security departments, party committee offices, and other part-time personnel to collect public opinions. As there are no full-time personnel, the research and reporting of public opinion are often summarized in the form of monthly reports and information circulars. Sometimes it's even empty. There are no specialized public opinion research institutions and professionals to conduct specific analysis and research on public opinion. Once the crisis of public opinion breaks out, due to the lack of collection and analysis of public opinion information in peacetime, the lack of understanding of public opinion, the lack of comprehensive analysis, and the lack of timely handling, Improper, can bring bad consequence and negative effect to school. This paper studies the existing problems and causes of the crisis management of public opinion in colleges and universities. At the end of the article, it puts forward some basic countermeasures of the crisis management of public opinion in colleges and universities and the relevant mechanism of improving the crisis management of public opinion in colleges and universities.


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