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发布时间:2018-09-06 19:18
【摘要】:我国新闻传播学教育起步较晚,属于西方舶来品,本土化教学先天不足,后期虽然发展迅速,却存在诸多问题,鉴于新闻传播学有极高的实践性和应用性要求,实践性教学成为了人才培养的关键性策略,注重培养学生在综合运用所学知识和技术解决实践问题的能力。针对高校新闻院系实践性教学所呈现出来的理论与实践相脱离、实践课堂流于形式等问题,我们需要构建在学习过程中融合知识传授和实践活动为一体的新闻课程学习模型,改善目前新闻专业传统教学过程中的一些不足。 作为21世纪一种重要的学习方式——以学习者为中心的体验式学习引发了作者的思考,本文主要在文献阅读的基础上,搜集和整理国内外关于体验式学习应用研究的领域和现状,然后结合调查问卷的形式分析了新闻实践课程的现行模式,在宏观分析课程体验缺失的基础上设计出针对学习过程的新闻体验课程模型,从课程目标确立、课程内容设计、课程情境创设、课程评价等四个方面进行研究。本研究是对新闻体验课程理论的进一步完善,也对相应的教学实践具有一定的指导意义。 首先我们在体验式学习模型的基础上按照知识分类理论把新闻课程内容划分成陈述性知识、程序性知识、技术性知识和意识性知识,结合情境引入的五个原则和三种途径来激发学习者的学习兴趣,然后创设既包含对基础知识的掌握又包含对应用能力的拓展的新型考核方式,构建了新闻课程中基于知识分类的体验式学习模型,最后用实验班和对照班的实践成果分析来佐证模型的有效性,总结本文的创新之处和存在的不足,并对体验式学习和新闻课程的结合进行了展望。
[Abstract]:The education of journalism and communication in our country started relatively late and belongs to the western countries. The native teaching is deficient in nature. Although it developed rapidly in the later period, there are many problems. In view of the high practical and applied requirements of journalism and communication, Practical teaching has become the key strategy of talent training, and the ability of students to solve practical problems by comprehensive application of knowledge and technology is emphasized. In order to solve the problems such as the separation between theory and practice in practical teaching in journalism colleges and departments in colleges and universities, and the mere formality of practical classroom, we need to construct a learning model of journalism curriculum that integrates knowledge teaching and practical activities in the course of study. To improve the traditional teaching of journalism in the process of some shortcomings. As an important way of learning in the 21st century, learner-centered experiential learning has aroused the author's thinking. This paper is mainly based on literature reading. Collecting and sorting out the field and present situation of the applied research on experiential learning at home and abroad, and then analyzing the current mode of journalism practice course with the form of questionnaire. Based on the macro analysis of the lack of curriculum experience, this paper designs a news experience curriculum model for the learning process, which is studied from four aspects: the establishment of curriculum objectives, the design of curriculum content, the creation of curriculum context, and the evaluation of curriculum. This research is the further improvement of the news experience curriculum theory, and also has certain guiding significance to the corresponding teaching practice. First of all, on the basis of experiential learning model, we divide journalism curriculum contents into declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, technical knowledge and conscious knowledge according to the theory of knowledge classification. Combining the five principles and three ways introduced by the situation to stimulate the learners' interest in learning, and then create a new assessment method, which includes both the mastery of the basic knowledge and the expansion of the ability to apply. This paper constructs an experiential learning model based on knowledge classification in journalism curriculum. Finally, the effectiveness of the model is proved by the analysis of the practical results of the experimental class and the control class, and the innovations and shortcomings of this paper are summarized. The combination of experiential learning and journalism course is also prospected.


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