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发布时间:2018-09-07 06:35
[Abstract]:After the "zero breakthrough" of self-funded study abroad in 1979, the self-funded study abroad group experienced the process of "from nothing to existence and constantly developing and expanding", and the self-funded study abroad policy, which basically adapted to it, also came into being and continued to develop. Compared with the beginning of this century alone, the total number of self-funded students increased more than 12 times in 2012. Nearly 3 million Chinese self-funded talents who have returned home or are still in the world have made positive contributions to the scientific and technological progress of the whole society and the prosperity and development of the motherland. The relevant data accumulated over the years show that the activities of studying abroad at our own expense have entered a relatively stable period of "prosperity and development." the practice of studying abroad for decades has proved that the importance of "studying abroad diplomacy" has become increasingly prominent. And has gradually developed into shaping the image of China, strive for international understanding, influence the national strategy of public diplomacy. Recalling the characteristics, basic experience, future trends and policy orientation of studying abroad at our own expense, we can see that "the activities of studying abroad at our own expense are in an epoch-making period of prosperity and development," However, it is facing some new problems and challenges "; to maintain the long-term, stable and sustainable development of the activities of studying abroad at our own expense, three basic experiences are needed to" persist "all the time; Always adhere to the spirit of reform throughout the work of studying abroad. The achievements of the reform should be benefited to the vast number of overseas students, and the reform measures should be put into the frontline posts of studying abroad service. "
【作者单位】: 教育部国际司;


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