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发布时间:2018-09-08 10:21
【摘要】:21世纪是知识经济时代,创新人才培养已经成为高等教育改革的世界性命题,创新已然是知识经济时代的必然需求。我国已将创新人才培养确立为国家发展的重要战略,但是创新能力不足仍然是我国高等教育创新人才培养存在的最大问题,笔者依据亲身实践,希望以参与者和受教育者的角度对创新人才的培养模式进行探讨,因此选择了此课题。通过对国内外研究文献调研,发现从事相关研究的人很少,因此,本课题的研究具有新颖性和重要意义。 本课题采用文献和个案研究法,对“项目为载体”、“学研产”、“创新团队”等几个核心概念进行界定。本课题着力于人才培养的实践环节探究,本人作为五年前发起和参与“植物体全价开发与高附加值利用”项目研发的“梦七”团队的一员,是案例的亲历者,希望从客、主观两方面分析和总结这一生动案例,为创新团队培养提供实践基础。从哲学、经济社会学、学习认知论等角度下进行阐述人才培养理论的基础 本课题从项目背景、研究内容、研发团队组建背景、团队组员的特色进行了深入分析。并借着参与项目的机会对几位院士和专家有关高等教育和创新人才培养问题进行了访谈。笔者总结了团队的成长点滴,通过团队成员和其他同班同学的问卷和访谈,证明了这种以满足国家重大需求和科技攻关为动因的“学研产”模式形成的项目团队的培养,比个体教育更有利于创新能力的培养,更受学生推崇。 作者在已有的实践探索基础上,结合相关理论构建项目为载体的创新团队“学研产”联合培养模式,并分别从教育资源、环境、过程、评价等方面进行详细阐述。此模式能聚焦和利用多方位的教育资源,包括多方位的人力、物力、财力资源;能提供多样化的教育环境,包括多样的学校、科研机构、企业等;结合多层级的培养过程,包括知识、能力、品质的培养,转向多元化的评价方式,包括学校评价、企业评价、社会市场评价等。论文还总结了项目为载体的创新团队“学研产”联合培养模式的推广实施要点:首先,高校应响应人才培养改革创新的号召,开展与推进高校教学创新人才改革试验。其次,各地高校应同兄弟院校、科研机构和企业建立创新人才培养的长期合作关系,建立“学研产”人才培养平台,共享资源实施创新人才培养。第三,高校在改革中应明确创新人才培养目标,以目标指导人才的培养和教育的实施。第四,高校应开设多样化的课程并开展以学生为中心的鼓励式教学,充分发挥学生的主体地位,将学生置身于“学研产”的真实环境中,开阔眼界,促进学生在做中学,在体验中获得知识和能力。第五,高校应建立基于个人价值和社会价值的多元评价方法,摒除以考分决定一切的考核方法,结合企业共建多元化的考核体系。第六,注重团队的组织与团队文化的形成,使团队行程一个凝聚体,从而为共同目标奋斗,鼓励学生自由组合,强化团队与分工合作,倡导共同学习。第七,重视导师的选择与合作,充分发挥导师的多样化和互补性优势,组合导师团队,关注学生的身心发展,建立良好的师生合作关系。第八,项目的来源与选择应结合市场和社会需求,关注科学性、经济性、环保性,鼓励学生在项目实践中多渠道获得知识和经验。
[Abstract]:The 21st century is the era of knowledge-based economy. The cultivation of innovative talents has become a worldwide proposition of higher education reform. Innovation is already an inevitable demand in the era of knowledge-based economy. China has established the cultivation of innovative talents as an important strategy for national development, but the lack of innovative ability is still the biggest problem in the cultivation of innovative talents in higher education. According to the author's own practice, I hope to discuss the training mode of innovative talents from the perspective of participants and educatees, so I choose this topic.
This topic uses the literature and the case study method, carries on the definition to several core concepts and so on "the project is the carrier", "the study research and production", "the innovation team". A member of the team, who is a personal experience of the case, hopes to analyze and summarize this vivid case from both subjective and objective aspects, and to provide a practical basis for the cultivation of innovative teams.
This topic has carried on the thorough analysis from the project background, the research content, the R&D team establishment background, the team member's characteristic, and has taken the opportunity to participate in the project to several academicians and the expert related higher education and the innovation talented person raise question interview. Questionnaires and interviews have proved that the training of project teams, motivated by meeting the country's major needs and tackling key scientific and technological problems, is more conducive to the cultivation of innovative ability than individual education, and more respected by students.
Based on the existing practice and exploration, the author combines the relevant theories to construct the project-based innovative team "learning, research and production" joint training model, and elaborates on the education resources, environment, process, evaluation and other aspects separately. It can provide a diversified educational environment, including a variety of schools, research institutes, enterprises, etc. Combining the multi-level training process, including knowledge, ability, quality training, to diversify the evaluation methods, including school evaluation, enterprise evaluation, social market evaluation and so on. The key points of popularizing and implementing the mode of joint training are as follows: firstly, colleges and universities should respond to the call of the reform and innovation of personnel training, carry out and promote the experiment of teaching and innovative personnel reform in Colleges and universities. secondly, colleges and universities should establish a long-term cooperative relationship with other colleges and universities, scientific research institutions and enterprises in cultivating innovative personnel, and establish a platform for training "students, research and production" personnel. Enjoy resources to carry out innovative personnel training. Thirdly, colleges and universities should make clear the training objectives of innovative personnel, and guide the training and implementation of education by objectives. Fourthly, colleges and universities should set up diversified courses and carry out student-centered encouraged teaching, give full play to the dominant position of students, and place students in "academic research and production". Fifthly, colleges and universities should establish a pluralistic evaluation method based on individual value and social value, abandon the examination method which decides everything by examination marks, and build a pluralistic evaluation system with enterprises. Sixth, pay attention to team organization and team culture. Formation, so that the team journey a cohesive body, so as to strive for the common goal, encourage students to freely combine, strengthen teamwork and division of labor cooperation, advocate common learning. Seventh, attach importance to the selection and cooperation of tutors, give full play to the diversity and complementary advantages of tutors, group tutors, concern about the physical and mental development of students, establish a good cooperation between teachers and students. Eighth, the source and choice of the project should be combined with the market and social needs, pay attention to scientific, economic, environmental protection, and encourage students to gain knowledge and experience in project practice through multiple channels.


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