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发布时间:2018-09-08 19:27
【摘要】:独立意识是指人们认识到应当自己控制、支配自己的行为,摆脱对家长的依赖,在生活上、经济上渴望能够独立的一种意识倾向,也表现为个体在自我意识的基础上,希望自己能够克服外界的阻力、诱惑力,不断发展与完善自我的一种愿望。大学生独立意识主要指,大学生在思想意识层面有想要独立的愿望,并且希望在独立意识的支配下,在思想、生活、学习、交往、自处等各方面处于一种相对独立状态的意识倾向。 当代大学生大都出生在二十世纪九十年代,被亲切地称为“90”后,他们是未来祖国事业的建设者和接班人,他们身上具有同以往时代大学生相比较突出的特点,但也有固有缺陷。当代大学生只有清楚地认识自我,加强修养,完善自我,通过大学的学习生活,成为有独立自主意识的个体,完成从心理到行动上的独立,真正把握自己,才能更好地实现自我,发展自我,为国家建设事业做出贡献。 本文在查阅相关文献的基础上,,阐述了课题研究价值和理论基础,确立了研究思路和技术路线。运用文献研究法、问卷调查法、综合分析法等方法对当代大学生的思想、心理、学习、交往、经济和自处六个方面独立意识的现状展开调查与研究。并从人口统计学方面进行了分析,找出了各因素对大学生独立意识相关方面影响的显著性。调查结果显示,当代大学生在思想、交往方面的独立意识较强,在心理、学习、经济、自处方面的独立意识相对较弱;学习上独立意识随着年级的升高逐渐增强,经济上独立意识始终较弱。针对调查结果,本文从大学生自身、家庭、学校和社会等方面进行了因素分析,发现父母教养方式、家庭经济水平和学校教育是对大学生独立意识影响的主要因素。在此基础上,本文从自我教育、家庭教育、学校教育、社会教育四个方面提出了相应对策。 通过本课题研究,力求为当代大学生独立意识的培养提出一些有价值的建议。
[Abstract]:Independence consciousness means that people realize that they should control their own behavior, get rid of their dependence on their parents, and in life, they want to be independent in economy. It also shows that the individual is on the basis of self-consciousness. I hope I can overcome the external resistance, temptation, continuous development and self-improvement of a desire. College students' independence consciousness mainly means that college students have the desire to be independent at the level of ideology, and they hope that under the control of independent consciousness, they will think, live, study, and interact with each other. Self-location and other aspects in a relatively independent state of consciousness. Most of the contemporary college students were born in the 1990s. After being affectionately called "90", they are the builders and successors of the cause of the motherland in the future. They have more outstanding characteristics than the college students of the previous era. But there are inherent flaws. Contemporary college students only have a clear understanding of themselves, strengthen self-cultivation, perfect themselves, through the study and life of the university, become an individual with independent consciousness, complete the independence from psychology to action, and truly grasp themselves. In order to achieve better self-development for the cause of national construction. On the basis of consulting relevant documents, this paper expounds the research value and theoretical basis of the subject, and establishes the research thought and technical route. By using the methods of literature research, questionnaire investigation and comprehensive analysis, this paper investigates and studies the present situation of college students' independent consciousness in six aspects: thought, psychology, study, communication, economy and self-location. By analyzing the demographics, we find out the significance of the influence of various factors on the independent consciousness of college students. The results show that the independent consciousness of contemporary college students is stronger in ideology and communication, but relatively weak in psychology, study, economy and self-orientation, and the independence consciousness in study gradually increases with the increase of grade. Economic independence has always been weak. According to the results of the investigation, this paper analyzes the factors of college students themselves, family, school and society, and finds that parental rearing style, family economic level and school education are the main factors that affect college students' independence consciousness. On this basis, this paper puts forward corresponding countermeasures from four aspects: self-education, family education, school education and social education. Through the research of this subject, we try to put forward some valuable suggestions for the cultivation of the independence consciousness of contemporary college students.


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