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发布时间:2018-09-10 12:57
【摘要】:本文旨在通过对马克思主义关于人的全面发展理论的研究以及对大学生全面发展的探讨,最终找到在马克思主义关于人的全面发展理论指导下实现大学生全面发展的科学路径。本文共分为五个部分。 第一部分是文章的绪论。这部分主要讲述了论文写作的背景和意义,文献综述和研究方法及论文的写作创新之处。 第二部分主要阐述了马克思主义关于人的全面发展和大学生全面发展的相关概念等内容。本章首先论述了马克思关于人的全面发展理论的内涵和实现条件以及马克思关于人的全面发展理论的中国化和时代化等内容;对新时期大学生全面发展的含义和内容作了界定;探讨了马克思主义关于人的全面发展理论与大学生全面发展的关系。本章的理论内容为下文的研究奠定了基础。 第三部分通过对所在学校大学生全面发展状况做的调查总结归纳出目前大学生全面发展的主流趋势和其中存在的各种问题。通过分析总结可以看出,目前大量大学生整体身体素质状况较差,应引起学校和社会高度关注;大学生的道德素质受到社会风气的影响明显;在社会交往信息化的背景下,大学生人际沟通呈现新特点;大学生专业素质有待提高;求职压力下大学生求职择业观念不正确。 第四部分从国家、学校、个人三个层面分析了大学生全面发展过程中存在问题的原因。从国家层面来讲素质教育进程推进缓慢,社会风气恶化;从学校来说,“两课”效果不好、不重视学生体育锻炼等;学生个人层面,生活习惯不良、自理能力和自制力较弱等,这都是导致大学生发展不全面的重要原因。 第五部分从马克思主义关于人的全面发展理论出发探索实现大学生全面发展的现实路径。从国家社会层面来讲,坚持以人为本教育理念,加快素质教育进程;加强社会主义核心价值体系教育,净化社会空气。从学校层面来讲,加强对大学生的社会主义核心价值观教育;加强对大学生体育锻炼的监督和心理健康教育;提高教师专业素质,端正学生学习态度和动机,课程要理论与实际相结合,增强学生实践能力;构建积极的校园文化、发挥学生社团作用,提高大学生人际沟通能力;发挥选修课作用,加强对求职择业观念的引领。从个人层面来讲,要树立远大理想,培养正确成才观念;克服应试观念,培养正确学习动机、学习习惯;提升生活自理能力和自制力,养成良好生活习惯;合理分配时间,体育锻炼、学习、学生活动、课外实践统筹兼顾。
[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to find out the scientific path to realize the all-round development of college students under the guidance of Marxist theory of all-round development of human beings through the research on the theory of the all-round development of human beings and the discussion of the all-round development of college students. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction of the article. This part mainly describes the background and significance of the paper writing, literature review and research methods and the innovation of the paper writing. The second part mainly expounds the related concepts of Marxism on the all-round development of human beings and college students. This chapter first discusses the connotation and realization conditions of Marx's theory on the all-round development of human beings, and the contents of Marxism's theory on the all-round development of human beings in China and the times, and defines the meaning and content of the all-round development of college students in the new period. This paper probes into the relationship between the Marxist theory of all-round development of human beings and the all-round development of college students. The theoretical content of this chapter lays a foundation for the following research. The third part sums up the mainstream trend of college students' all-round development and the existing problems through the investigation of the overall development of college students. Through analysis and conclusion, we can see that a large number of college students are in poor overall physical condition, which should be highly concerned by the school and society; the moral quality of college students is obviously influenced by the social atmosphere; under the background of social communication information, College students' interpersonal communication presents new characteristics, college students' professional quality needs to be improved, and college students' concept of choosing jobs is incorrect under the pressure of job search. The fourth part analyzes the causes of the problems in the process of college students' all-round development from three aspects: state, school and individual. At the national level, the process of quality-oriented education is advancing slowly and the social atmosphere is deteriorating; from the school point of view, the "two courses" are not effective and do not attach importance to students' physical exercise, etc.; at the individual level, students have poor living habits, and their self-care ability and self-control are relatively weak, etc. All these are the important reasons leading to the incomplete development of college students. The fifth part explores the realistic path to realize the all-round development of college students from the Marxist theory of all-round development of human beings. From the national and social level, we should adhere to the concept of people-oriented education, speed up the process of quality education, strengthen the education of socialist core value system and purify the social air. From the school level, we should strengthen the education of socialist core values for college students, strengthen the supervision and mental health education of college students' physical exercise, improve teachers' professional quality, and correct students' learning attitude and motivation. The course should combine theory with practice, strengthen students' practical ability; construct active campus culture, play the role of student association, improve college students' interpersonal communication ability; play the role of elective course, and strengthen the guidance to the concept of job-hunting and career selection. At the personal level, we should set up lofty ideals, cultivate the correct concept of becoming a talent, overcome the idea of examination-oriented, cultivate correct learning motivation and study habits, improve our ability and self-control in life, cultivate good habits of living, and allocate time rationally. Physical exercise, learning, student activities, extracurricular practice and overall consideration.


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