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发布时间:2018-09-10 15:29
【摘要】:我国高等教育界一直很重视对美国教育政策的研究,同时,对于肯定性行动的研究也已经取得了一定成果。合法性、有效性和价值选择是描述教育政策价值的三个基本向度。肯定性行动追求的价值核心在于正义、平等以及多元化,这对审视和思考我国以效率取向、精英取向为价值追求的高等教育政策的制定具有很大的启示作用。此外,公共政策需要通过不断的变革以实现其与实际社会生活之间的冲突的平衡,通过对肯定性行动政策的效果、价值选择和合法性的研究,有助于我们在制度伦理的层面上,进一步了解教育政策承担的特殊,并且重大的社会责任,以及怎样尽量避免政策同实际社会生活之间发生冲突。 肯定性行动在高等教育领域所涉及的一系列政策在对美国各利益相关群体的教育权力分配方面产生了深远的影响,也引发了各种争议。对其表示肯定的群体认为行动促进了美国社会教育的机会平等,促进了弱势群体的高等教育权利,实现了校园文化的多元化等;反对者则认为行动损害了一部分白人的利益,是一种“逆向歧视”。从肯定性行动在美国的发展前景来看,奥巴马的任职使得在他任职期间的肯定性行动失去了权威和合法性的基础他的获选可能暗示着种族倾向政策的终结,行动的未来模糊不定。从现有的研究来看,国内外学者主要都集中在肯定性行动的影响,行动之所以引发利益冲突的原因等。也有少部分学者(多为国外学者),从哲学层面、法学层面、社会学层面、心理学层面等,论证了肯定性行动实施的可行性的研究和行动的合法性。 任何一项公共政策,都只有将其放入实践的情境中,才能检验其价值。在此基础上,笔者首先希望以代表着人类理性的目的论为指导的功利主义思想作为理论基础,来检验实践中的肯定性行动及其替代行动(百分比计划)在高等教育方面的政策是否具有合法性和有效性。研究证明,从功利主义的角度看,无论出于个体的还是社会的整体功利的考虑,对弱势群体都有救助的必要性;由于肯定性行动促进了社会的公平和正义,以及种族的多元化和民族融合,并且行动同美国宪法在根本上是一致的,因此行动具有合法性。此外,通过《高等教育法》等条款及政策,以及百分比计划,肯定性行动在提高黑人等弱势群体的高等教育入学率方面也是非常有效的。 其次,从公共政策产生的角度来看,作为公共政策的肯定性行动,在高等教育领域虽然短期内牺牲了一小部分人的教育利益,但是促进了弱势群体的相关利益,推动了教育领域乃至整个社会的公平与公正,这同政治哲学中认为公共政策最根本的目标是提升社会整体利益相一致的,这也和功利主义思想不谋而合。教育政策是具有目的性的,在协调各利益相关者的矛盾的时候,必须要重视社会整体教育利益和个体教育利益的统一与结合,而不能忽视其中任何一方。在教育政策制定的过程中,社会的共同善,即全体社会的最大利益时应当优先被考虑的,其次要兼顾个体权利才是相对正当及合理的教育政策伦理观。 笔者正是通过这种理论联系实际的推理,证明肯定性行动的合法性和有效性。根据之前对行动合法性和有效性,以及公共政策应有的价值取向和原则的论证过程中的思考,尝试归纳出相关政策对我国高等教育公平政策的启示,比如要详细清楚地界定倾向性政策扶助的对象,树立“弱势补偿”的教育理念,将利益相关者纳入教育政策决策体系等。
[Abstract]:China's higher education circles have always attached great importance to the study of American education policy, and at the same time, some achievements have been made in the study of affirmative action. Legitimacy, validity and value choice are the three basic dimensions to describe the value of educational policy. Considering and reflecting on the formulation of higher education policies with efficiency-oriented and elite-oriented values as their pursuit has great enlightenment. In addition, public policies need to achieve a balance of conflicts between them and real social life through constant change, through the study of the effects, value choices and legitimacy of affirmative action policies, It is helpful for us to further understand the special and significant social responsibilities of educational policies and how to avoid conflicts between policies and actual social life.
Affirmative action in the field of higher education involves a series of policies that have a profound impact on the distribution of educational power among various stakeholders in the United States, and also triggers various controversies. Opponents argue that affirmative action undermines the interests of some white people and is a form of "reverse discrimination." Looking at the prospects for affirmative action in the United States, Obama's presidency has deprived him of the authority and legitimacy of affirmative action during his tenure, and his election may suggest that The end of racial preference policy and the future of action are uncertain. From the existing research, scholars at home and abroad mainly focus on the impact of affirmative action, the causes of the conflict of interest caused by action, and so on. The feasibility study of affirmative action and the legitimacy of action.
Any public policy can only be tested in the context of practice. On this basis, the author first hopes to test the affirmative action and its alternative action (percentage plan) in higher education on the basis of utilitarianism, which represents the teleology of human reason. Whether policies are legitimate and effective. Studies have shown that, from a utilitarian point of view, it is necessary to help vulnerable groups, both individually and socially, because affirmative action promotes social equity and justice, as well as ethnic diversity and integration, and acts with the United States. The Constitution is fundamentally consistent and therefore legitimate. In addition, affirmative action is also very effective in increasing the enrollment rate in higher education for vulnerable groups, such as blacks, through provisions and policies such as the Higher Education Act and percentage schemes.
Secondly, from the point of view of the emergence of public policy, as an affirmative action of public policy, although a small number of people's educational interests have been sacrificed in the field of higher education in the short term, it has promoted the relevant interests of the disadvantaged groups, promoted the fairness and justice in the field of education and even in the whole society, which is in line with the political philosophy that public policy The most fundamental goal is to promote the interests of the whole society, which coincides with utilitarianism. Educational policy is purposeful. When coordinating the contradictions among various stakeholders, we must attach importance to the unity and combination of the interests of the whole society and the individual education, without neglecting any one of them. In the process of formulating educational policy, the common good of society, that is, the greatest benefit of the whole society, should be given priority to, and then the relatively legitimate and reasonable educational policy ethics should take into account individual rights.
The author proves the validity and validity of affirmative action through the reasoning of combining theory with practice. Based on the previous thinking on the validity and validity of action, and the value orientation and principle of public policy, the author tries to sum up the Enlightenment of relevant policies on China's higher education equity policy, for example, to be detailed. We should clearly define the object of preferential policy support, establish the educational concept of "vulnerable compensation" and bring stakeholders into the decision-making system of educational policy.


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