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发布时间:2018-09-10 15:34
【摘要】:世界物质文明与生态文明的不断冲撞与对峙,不仅制约了经济的良性发展,还影响了人类的生存环境。正确处理人与生态的关系,实现人与生态的和谐发展,既是缓解生态危机的着力点,也是实现人类长远利益的支撑点。生态道德在此背景下应运而生,也引起高校生态道德教育观念的变革。 对大学生生态道德教育的引入,不仅是时代发展的要求,更是思想政治教育这门学科自身发展的需求。生态道德教育作为思想政治教育的一个崭新而重要的领域,对我国高校思想政治教育工作起着举足轻重的作用,大学生生态道德教育已成为新世纪我国高校思想政治教育的主要内容之一。 本文针对大学生生态道德教育模式的构建问题,尝试提出“全方位-系统化”的大学生生态道德教育模式。从生态道德的基本概念和大学生生态道德教育存在的问题两个方面入手,分析了大学生生态道德教育的影响因素,归纳总结了大学生生态道德教育模式的概念。继而探讨了“全方位-系统化”大学生生态道德教育模式的建构原则(即“三融合”原则)、内容模块(即“全方位”的构成要素和“系统化”的实践路径)和运行保障措施(即“三维度”保障措施)。概括而言,,“全方位-系统化”的生态道德教育模式,是指依据高校思想政治教育目标、遵循“三融合原则”、在完成生态道德教育全方位的构成要素基础上,将理论课程设置、实践能力培养和生态道德教育网络平台等整合为一套系统化的实践路径,确保“生态道德教育构成要素全方位、生态道德教育实践路径系统化”成为一种综合性、实效性、实践性的大学生生态道德教育模式。
[Abstract]:The constant collision and confrontation between the world material civilization and ecological civilization not only restricts the benign development of economy, but also affects the living environment of human beings. Correctly dealing with the relationship between man and ecology and realizing the harmonious development of man and ecology are not only the focus of alleviating the ecological crisis, but also the supporting point of realizing the long-term interests of human beings. Ecological morality emerges as the times require under this background, and it also causes the reform of the concept of ecological moral education in colleges and universities. The introduction of ecological moral education for college students is not only the requirement of the development of the times, but also the demand of the development of the subject of ideological and political education. As a new and important field of ideological and political education, ecological moral education plays an important role in the ideological and political education of colleges and universities in China. Ecological moral education of college students has become one of the main contents of ideological and political education in colleges and universities in the new century. Aiming at the construction of ecological moral education model for college students, this paper tries to put forward the "omnidirectional-systematic" mode of ecological moral education for college students. Starting with the basic concept of ecological morality and the problems existing in the ecological moral education of college students, this paper analyzes the influencing factors of the ecological moral education of college students, and sums up the concept of the mode of ecological moral education for college students. Then it discusses the construction principle of "omnidirectional systematization" college students' ecological moral education mode (that is, the principle of "three integration"), the content module (that is, the composing elements of "omnidirectional" and the "systematic" practical path) and the operation. Safeguard measures (i.e. "three dimensional" safeguards). To sum up, the "omnidirectional systematization" mode of ecological moral education is based on the goal of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, following the principle of "three merges", and on the basis of completing all the constituent elements of ecological moral education. The theory curriculum, practical ability training and ecological moral education network platform are integrated into a set of systematic practical paths to ensure that "ecological moral education components are omni-directional," The systematization of the practical path of ecological moral education has become a comprehensive, effective and practical mode of ecological moral education for college students.


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