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发布时间:2018-09-10 16:47
[Abstract]:Contemporary college students are the builders and successors of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and they are also the backbone force to promote the prosperity of our country and the development of our society. Their sense of responsibility will directly affect the success of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Under the circumstances, on the one hand, in the tide of globalization, China's political, economic and cultural development has brought about a lot of impact, on the other hand, China is in the socialist transformation, the value of market economy only benefit also impact on China's traditional morality. Degree of responsibility and sense of responsibility, but because they are affected by various factors in the process of success, the sense of responsibility is generally weak, so strengthening the cultivation of their sense of responsibility is particularly important. Only in this way can the sense of responsibility be effectively guaranteed to achieve good results in the cultivation process. Therefore, the cultivation of the sense of responsibility of college students requires the construction of an all-round operation of the linkage mechanism. In order to play a joint role in cultivating, it needs the participation of the state, society, schools and families. This paper mainly discusses responsibility and responsibility consciousness, and defines clearly the concept of responsibility consciousness and responsibility consciousness cultivation of contemporary college students. At the same time, cultivating responsibility consciousness of contemporary college students is the need to promote their self-development in an all-round way, to complete the goal of higher education cultivation, and to build an innovative country. The second part tries to construct the content of the responsibility consciousness system of College students, and mainly divides the cultivation system of the responsibility consciousness into four parts. First, from the aspect of self, college students should have treasure. Second, the family should have the consciousness of filial piety to parents and responsibility for the future family. Third, in society, we should abide by public order and good customs, actively participate in public affairs and protect the ecological environment. Fourth, we should love the country and serve the country. On the one hand, we have made some remarkable achievements in the cultivation of College Students'sense of responsibility. Most students have a certain sense of responsibility and responsibility, and can consciously and actively practice in personal life and learning, the sense of responsibility to be able to be achieved. On the other hand, in the process of Cultivating College Students'sense of responsibility, there are more or less problems, which need to be studied and analyzed comprehensively. More responsibility, only emphasize the children's learning and achievements, and shoulder their due obligations, ignoring the children to bear hardships and stand hard work, thrifty, willing to contribute, serve the country's cultivation, resulting in a certain degree weakened the effect of cultivation. At the social level, the network information society, the influx of western thoughts and the negative impact of market economy under the background of globalization will greatly reduce the effect of cultivation. The fourth part mainly focuses on the cultivation of College Students'sense of responsibility. First of all, college students themselves should establish a correct sense of responsibility, and strengthen the practice of their own responsibility behavior is the cornerstone of cultivating their sense of responsibility. Secondly, parents should set an example for their children, and consciously cultivate their sense of responsibility, so as to cultivate an important link. We should make full use of the role of the main position of colleges and universities to strengthen the breadth and depth of the cultivation of sense of responsibility. First, we should give full play to the leading role of national policies, second, we should create a good environment for educating people, third, we should renew the traditional concept of cultivation of sense of responsibility. Good social impetus. Efforts to construct a joint force cultivation mechanism from these four aspects will be conducive to promoting the cultivation of College Students'sense of responsibility.


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