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发布时间:2018-09-10 17:07
【摘要】:世界上所有的城市都将大学作为衡量一个城市文化水平高低的关键性指标。城市繁荣和发展的基础力量和文化支撑点就是本地的高校资源。地方大学往往是其所在城市教育、文化、研究的中心,大学精神则是推动一所城市不断进步的源动力。地方大学在推动城市文化软实力建设方面表现为引领城市文化发展,推进城市文明进程,凝聚城市精神几个方面。对城市而言,必须立足本土资源,从城市实际出发,走一条具有地方特色的提升文化软实力之路。 本文以大学与城市互动发展的理论、高等学校职能理论和城市社会学理论为指导,立足于地方大学与城市文化软实力建设的内在联系,主要运用定性分析和实证分析、文献研究和个案研究相结合的方法,在借鉴国内外相关研究成果的基础上,,针对佛山市地方大学与佛山市文化软实力发展现状,对两者之间的关系及存在的问题作实证分析。分析文献可以看出地方大学影响城市文化软实力建设,并在引领城市文化发展、推进城市文明进程、凝聚城市精神方面起到一定的推动作用。实证研究证明,佛山科学技术学院在多个层面对佛山市文化软实力建设起到一定的推动作用,但两者协同效应不足,城市对大学的发展支撑力度不够,地方大学学科建设滞后于城市发展水平,两者在发展中展现一定程度的背离现象。为了有效提升地方大学对城市文化软实力建设和影响,提出地方大学与城市建立开放交流机制、构建地方大学文化的整合机制、密切城市各群体与地方大学的联系三个方面的对策思考。
[Abstract]:All cities in the world regard universities as a key measure of a city's cultural level. The basic strength and cultural support of urban prosperity and development is the local university resources. Local universities are often the center of education, culture and research in their cities. In promoting the construction of soft power of urban culture, local universities can lead the development of urban culture, promote the process of urban civilization, and condense the spirit of the city. For a city, it is necessary to base itself on local resources and proceed from the reality of the city to take a path of promoting cultural soft power with local characteristics. Under the guidance of the theory of the interactive development between the university and the city, the theory of university function and the theory of urban sociology, this paper is based on the internal relation between the local university and the construction of the soft power of the city culture, and mainly uses qualitative analysis and empirical analysis. Based on the literature research and case study, this paper analyzes the relationship and problems between Foshan local university and Foshan cultural soft power based on the domestic and foreign related research results and the current situation of the development of Foshan local university and Foshan city culture soft power. It can be seen from the analysis of the literature that the local universities influence the construction of urban cultural soft power and play a certain role in guiding the development of urban culture, promoting the progress of urban civilization and condensing the urban spirit. The empirical study proves that Foshan Institute of Science and Technology plays a certain role in promoting the construction of cultural soft power in Foshan City on many levels, but the synergistic effect between the two is insufficient, and the development of the university is not supported by the city. The discipline construction of local universities lags behind the level of urban development. In order to effectively promote the construction and influence of local universities on the soft power of urban culture, it is proposed that local universities and cities should establish an open communication mechanism and a mechanism of integration of local university culture. Three countermeasures of close connection between various groups and local universities in the city.


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