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发布时间:2018-09-10 20:52
【摘要】:幸福是社会个体对生活的终极目标之一,广大人民的生活幸福是社会繁荣的重要体现,是社会稳定的根本保障,是社会发展的动力源泉。幸福观在外界客观条件与个体幸福感之间起重要的调节作用,是个体价值观在生活世界的核心内容。幸福观的研究将为在思想政治教育工作中加强社会主义核心价值观的宣传与教育,引导积极向上、健康的社会生活氛围,促成适应当前我国社会发展需要的科学的幸福观的形成提供依据。本研究旨在深入了解新时期我国大学生幸福观的现状及幸福观与主观幸福感之间的关系,为在社会主义核心价值观的指引下对新时期大学生的幸福观进行科学培育提供依据,同时为制定更具有激励效应的高层次人才管理与服务政策提供参考。 本文在了解国内外大学生幸福观相关研究的基础上,以马克思主义幸福观理论为指导,在社会表征理论的视野下,综合运用思想政治教育、哲学、心理学、社会学等等相关学科知识,对这一问题进行深入细致的探讨。本文主要有三部分研究。 研究一:采用词语联想法,通过问卷调查收集词语联想资料,运用小组讨论法分析大学生对幸福的社会表征。研究结果显示:(1)幸福的内容维度是大学生幸福观的核心,大学生对精神幸福的表征多于物质幸福。(2)在幸福的主体方面,大学生对个人幸福的表征多于社会幸福,存在重个人轻集体的特点。(3)在幸福的实现途径方面,大学生对享受幸福的表征明显多于对创造幸福的表征。 研究二:采用问卷调查法,了解大学生幸福观的现状。研究结果显示:(1)大学生的幸福观呈现出多元化特点,有金钱-权力-美貌、提升自己-服务社会、平安-自由-家庭、饮食-美味、小康-安逸、情感渴求、荣誉-信仰、人际和谐-事业有成、快乐九种幸福观类型。(2)大学生的幸福观呈现出生活化、个人化特点。他们比较重视家庭、健康、学习等与个人生活密切相关的因素。(3)在人口学变量上,男生比女生更看重金钱-权力-美貌,女生比男生更看重平安-自由-家庭和饮食-美味;相比大一和大三学生,大四学生更不看重快乐;相比理科大学生,文科大学生更看重饮食-美味;相比来自中小城市和农村的大学生,来自大城市的大学生更不看重提升自己-服务社会;相比来自单亲家庭的大学生,来自双亲家庭的大学生更看重平安-自由-家庭、情感和快乐。相比来自温饱家庭的大学生,来自小康家庭的大学生更看重荣誉-信仰。 研究三:采用问卷调查法,研究大学生幸福观和主观幸福感的关系。研究结果显示:(1)大学生的幸福观与主观幸福感存在相关。(2)重大生活事件对大学生的主观幸福感有影响,且幸福观在重大生活事件对主观幸福感的影响上有一定的缓冲作用。 结合本文的研究结论,我们对大学生的幸福观教育提出了以下对策建议:一是坚持文化建设和大学生幸福观教育相结合;二是坚持大学生幸福观教育的多元化和导向的一元化;三是将构建和谐幸福家庭与大学生幸福观培养相结合;四是大学生要加强自身修养,树立正确的幸福观。
[Abstract]:Happiness is one of the ultimate goals of social individuals to life. The well-being of the broad masses of people is an important embodiment of social prosperity, the fundamental guarantee of social stability and the source of social development. The study of the concept of happiness will provide the basis for strengthening the propaganda and education of the socialist core values in the ideological and political education, guiding the positive and healthy social life atmosphere, and promoting the formation of the scientific concept of happiness to meet the needs of the current social development in China. The present situation and the relationship between happiness concept and subjective well-being provide the basis for scientific cultivation of College Students'Happiness Concept in the new period under the guidance of socialist core values, and also provide a reference for formulating more incentive policies for high-level talent management and service.
Based on the study of the happiness view of college students at home and abroad, and under the guidance of Marxist theory of happiness view, this paper makes a thorough and detailed discussion on this issue by using the knowledge of Ideological and political education, philosophy, psychology, sociology and other related disciplines in the perspective of social representation theory.
The results show that: (1) the content dimension of happiness is the core of College Students'outlook on happiness, and the representation of College Students' spiritual happiness is more than that of material happiness. (2) In terms of the main body of happiness, college students are large. Students'characterization of individual happiness is more than that of social happiness, and there is a characteristic of attaching importance to individual rather than collective. (3) In the way to realize happiness, college students' characterization of enjoying happiness is obviously more than that of creating happiness.
The results show that: (1) College students'outlook on happiness is characterized by diversification, including money, power, beauty, self-service, peace, freedom, family, food, delicacy, well-off, ease, emotional desire, honor, faith, interpersonal harmony, career success, happiness, happiness, etc. (3) In demographic variables, boys value money-power-beauty more than girls, while girls value peace-freedom-family and food-delicacy more than boys. Grade one and junior college students are less concerned about happiness; liberal arts students are more concerned about food and delicacy than science students; college students from big cities are less concerned about promoting themselves and serving society than those from small and medium-sized cities and rural areas; and college students from both parents are more concerned about happiness than those from single-parent families. Peace-Freedom-Family, Emotion and Happiness. College students from well-off families value honor-belief more than those from well-fed families.
Research 3: The relationship between happiness and subjective well-being of college students was investigated by questionnaire. The results showed that: (1) There was a correlation between happiness and subjective well-being of College students. (2) Major life events had an impact on subjective well-being of College students, and happiness had a certain impact on subjective well-being of major life events. Cushioning effect.
Combining with the conclusion of this study, we put forward the following countermeasures and suggestions for the education of college students'happiness: first, we should adhere to the combination of cultural construction and the education of college students' happiness; second, we should adhere to the pluralism and unification of the education of college students'happiness; third, we should combine the construction of harmonious and happy families with the cultivation of college students' happiness. Four, college students should strengthen their self-cultivation and establish a correct view of happiness.


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