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发布时间:2018-09-10 19:27
【摘要】:近年来,在高等教育大众化不断推进、国际金融危机不利影响依然存在的背景下,我国大学生就业形势日趋严峻,这直接导致了高校大学生就业难度的加大。作为将在校读书的大学生培养为入职就业的劳动者的重要单位,高校在大学生求职就业过程中发挥着关键的作用。面对如此复杂、严峻的就业市场,如何帮助大学生更好地认识自身的能力和优势,如何帮助大学生在求职过程中保持良好心态,最终到如何帮助大学生成功就业且在入职后长远发展,成为摆在高校就业指导工作中的重要命题。 源起于美国的积极心理学自上个世纪以来,正以其独有的生机和活力,在社会上越来越多的领域发挥着重大影响,并由此在全世界掀起一场积极运动,积极心理学的一些观点已逐步渗透到社会学、教育学、经济学、管理学等领域,以其独特的视觉和角度对其中的许多理论产生着重要影响。作为其中的一个重要分支,积极人格理论能否为大学生求职就业提供理论及实践借鉴?大学生积极人格与其就业能力之间是否存在某种关联?在积极人格理论视域下构建大学生就业能力是否符合当前就业市场的需求?这些问题成为很多专家和学者的重要研究内容,同时也正是本研究试图关注和探讨的问题。 本研究在对大学生积极人格和就业能力相关理论和研究进行深入了解的基础上,采用杜夏华编制的《大学生积极人格量表》和郑天驰编制的《大学生就业能力测量问卷》,以广东外语外贸大学部分毕业班学生为研究对象,,通过实证研究分析被试大学生的积极人格和就业能力,并在调查研究数据统计和访谈的基础上,尝试分析被试大学生积极人格与其就业能力之间的相关性。 通过研究发现: 一、被试大学生的积极人格和就业能力总体上处于中上水平。本研究中,全部被试大学生在积极人格问卷上的平均分为354.44(满分为440分),在大学生就业能力问卷上的平均分为150.46(满分185分),表明被试大学生的积极人格和就业能力总体上处于中等偏上水平,即被试大学生总体上具备较为明显的积极人格,同时具备一定程度的就业能力水平。 二、被试大学生的积极人格和就业能力在大部分人口变量上不存在显著差异。本研究中,被试大学生积极人格在生源地方面不存在显著差异,但是具体到爱心和信仰这两个因子上,来自城市的大学生要比来自农村的大学生相对显著些;被试大学生积极人格在性别方面不存在显著差异,但是具体到幽默、热情和社会智力这三个因子上,男生在这三个方面的得分显著高于女生,表现为更明显的幽默、热情,和更高的社会智力;被试大学生积极人格在是否担任过学生干部方面存在显著差异,即担任过学生干部大学生的积极人格比未担任过学生干部的大学生相对来说更加明显。与此同时,被试大学生就业能力在性别、生源地、是否独生子女、是否担任过学生干部四个方面均不存在显著差异。 三、被试大学生的积极人格与就业能力之间存在显著相关性。本研究中,被试大学生积极人格总得分可以非常有效地解释大学生就业能力71.9%的变异量,说明大学生积极人格得分与其就业能力得分之间存在显著相关性。 此外,从已签约工作单位的被试大学生积极人格得分、就业能力得分与其实际就业情况的对比分析来看,积极人格得分较高的被试大学生,其就业能力得分和薪金待遇基本上也相对应较高,其签约工作单位也相对较好;与此相反,积极人格得分较低的被试大学生,其就业能力得分和薪金待遇基本上也相对应较低。 四、积极人格在大学生求职就业中的积极作用。本研究在调查问卷所反映情况的基础上,针对39名已经签约工作单位的大学生进行访谈了解,受访大学生普遍反映自身积极人格特质在其求职就业过程中,在不同程度上发挥着积极作用,包括:(一)积极人格有助于大学生辨析求职意向;(二)积极人格有助于大学生拓展求职潜能;(三)积极人格有助于大学生强化心理承受力;(四)积极人格有助于大学生提高社会和人际交往能力。 最后,在对研究结果进行深入分析和探讨的基础上,本研究着重探讨高校在积极人格理论视域下帮助大学生提高就业能力的具体措施,包括:(一)将大学生就业能力的培养与积极人格的塑造紧密结合;(二)帮助大学生发掘和重视自身潜在的人格优势和就业能力;(三)帮助大学生在积极的体验下保持积极情绪;(四)帮助大学生在求职挫折中树立乐观型解释风格。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the popularization of higher education and the existence of the adverse effects of the international financial crisis, the employment situation of college students in China is becoming more and more serious, which directly leads to the difficulty of employment of College students. Faced with such a complicated and severe job market, how to help college students better understand their abilities and advantages, how to help college students keep a good attitude in the job hunting process, and finally how to help college students successfully obtain employment and develop in the long run after taking up a job has become a university job. Important proposition in industry guidance work.
Positive psychology, originating in the United States, has been exerting great influence in more and more fields of society with its unique vitality and vigor since the last century. As a result, an active movement has been launched all over the world. Some viewpoints of positive psychology have gradually penetrated into the fields of sociology, pedagogy, economics and management with its unique characteristics. As an important branch of the theory, can the theory of positive personality provide theoretical and practical references for college students in job-hunting and employment? Is there any correlation between College Students'positive personality and their employment ability? Constructing college students' employment ability from the perspective of the theory of positive personality Whether power meets the needs of the current employment market? These problems have become an important research content of many experts and scholars, and also are the issues that this study attempts to focus on and explore.
On the basis of thorough understanding of the relevant theories and researches on College Students'positive personality and employment ability, this study adopts Du Xiahua's Positive Personality Scale and Zheng Tianchi's Employment Ability Measurement Questionnaire to study some graduates of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and Foreign Trade. This paper analyzes the positive personality and employment ability of the college students, and tries to analyze the correlation between the positive personality and employment ability of the college students on the basis of survey data and interviews.
The study found that:
In this study, all the college students were divided into 354.44 (full score 440), 150.46 (full score 185), indicating the total positive personality and employment ability of the college students. Physically, the college students are in the middle and upper level, that is, they have more obvious positive personality and have a certain degree of employment ability.
In this study, there is no significant difference in the source of students'positive personality, but in terms of love and belief, college students from urban areas are more significant than those from rural areas. There is no significant gender difference in the positive personality of College students, but in terms of humor, enthusiasm and social intelligence, boys scored significantly higher than girls in these three aspects, showing more obvious humor, enthusiasm, and higher social intelligence. At the same time, there are no significant differences in the employability of the students in terms of gender, place of origin, whether they are only children, whether they have been student cadres or not.
Third, there is a significant correlation between the positive personality and employment ability. In this study, the total score of the positive personality of the college students can very effectively explain 71.9% of the variation of the college students'employment ability, indicating that there is a significant correlation between the score of the college students' positive personality and their employment ability.
In addition, from the positive personality score, employment ability score and the actual employment situation of the students who have signed the work unit, the comparative analysis shows that the students with higher positive personality score, their employment ability score and salary are basically higher, and their contracting work unit is also relatively better; on the contrary, the students with higher positive personality score are more active. The college students with lower personality score have lower scores of employment ability and salary.
Fourthly, positive personality plays an active role in college students'job hunting and employment. Based on the information reflected in the questionnaire, this study interviewed 39 college students who have signed up for a job. The interviewed college students generally reflected their positive personality traits and played a positive role in the job hunting and employment process to varying degrees. It includes: (1) Positive personality is helpful for college students to differentiate their job-hunting intention; (2) Positive personality is helpful for college students to expand their job-hunting potential; (3) Positive personality is helpful for college students to strengthen their psychological endurance; (4) Positive personality is helpful for college students to improve their social and interpersonal skills.
Finally, on the basis of in-depth analysis and discussion of the results of the study, this study focuses on the specific measures to help college students improve their employability from the perspective of the positive personality theory, including: (1) the cultivation of College Students'employability and the shaping of positive personality closely combined; (2) helping college students to explore and value themselves Potential Personality Advantages and Employment Ability; (3) Help College Students to Maintain Positive Emotions under Positive Experiences; (4) Help College Students to Establish an Optimistic Interpretation Style in Their Job-hunting Frustrations.


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