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发布时间:2018-09-13 12:44
【摘要】:信息时代,以网络、多媒体为核心的信息技术已经全面渗透到教育行业中,打破了传统的教学方式。学生获取信息的渠道越来越多,尤其是大学生,其学习方式发生了巨大的变革。在这个竞争的时代,谁能够抢先占有信息并且充分地利用好信息,谁就能够占据发展优势。大学生是国家强势发展的后备力量,其信息能力水平的高低对国家未来的发展影响甚大。因此,对大学生信息能力进行研究,是当前教育研究应该足够重视的课题。 本研究采用文献法、访谈法、问卷法对大学生的信息能力进行了深入的研究。 首先,本研究分析了信息能力与信息素养的关系。从信息素养被引入国内后,多位学者对其定义、内涵进行了深入的研究,并提出了自己的观点,纵观这些学者的研究,不难发现信息素养包含了信息意识、信息知识、信息能力和信息道德四个层面,而本文所研究的信息能力正是信息素养的一个层面,也是其核心内容。其次,本研究对比分析了国内外对大学生信息素养的评价标准,以此来寻求信息能力的评价标准;很多学者对信息能力的构成提出了看法,本研究在仔细分析了国内外信息素养评价标准后,认为大学生的信息能力应该包括信息获取能力、信息加工能力(包括信息的评价和重构)、信息应用能力(包括信息的管理和交流)。 信息能力作为信息素养的一个层面,没有独立的、统一的评价标准,为了深入了解当代大学生的信息能力现状,笔者分析了美国ACRL评价标准和国内的《北京地区高校信息素质能力评价指标体系》,认为大学生信息能力的评价标准应该具备三个维度:信息获取能力、信息加工能力和信息应用能力。因此,问卷的题目主要从这三个方面进行设置,了解当代大学生信息能力存在的具体问题。此外,高校计算机课程是大学生获取信息知识的重要来源,对信息能力水平的高低有巨大的影响,因此,问卷在最后设置了对计算机课程的评价问题,以及大学生对信息能力的自我期许问题。问卷共计发放180份,涵盖了大一至大四的文科生和理科生,并用SPSS17.0统计软件进行分析。 调查结果显示,大学生的信息获取能力较差,多数不懂得运用数据库中的高级检索,以致于面对浩瀚的信息感到迷茫;大学生的信息加工能力水平不高,多数人对信息的评价只依靠自己的判断而不与他人进行交流,且大多数人对信息采用“拿来主义”,不能进行重构;在信息应用方面,大多数学生只能用最简单的文字进行信息交流,而对于其他表现力更强的软件的使用存在巨大的问题,并且只有少数的大学生会对信息进行详细的分类管理。同时,许多大学生表示目前计算机课程所教授的内容陈旧,,不感兴趣。 针对大学生信息能力存在的问题,并提出提出了一定的提升建议,并对未来进行了展望。
[Abstract]:In the information age, the information technology, which takes the network and multimedia as the core, has penetrated into the education profession, breaking the traditional teaching method. There are more and more channels for students to obtain information, especially for college students. In this competitive era, who can preempt and make full use of information, who can occupy the development advantage. College students are the reserve force of the strong development of the country, and the level of their information ability has a great influence on the future development of the country. Therefore, the research on the information ability of college students should be paid enough attention to at present. In this study, literature, interview and questionnaire were used to study the information ability of college students. Firstly, the relationship between information ability and information literacy is analyzed. After the introduction of information literacy into China, many scholars have deeply studied its definition and connotation, and put forward their own views. Looking at the research of these scholars, it is not difficult to find that information literacy contains information consciousness, information knowledge, and so on. Information ability and information morality are four levels, and the information ability studied in this paper is just one level of information literacy and its core content. Secondly, this study compares and analyzes the evaluation standards of college students' information literacy at home and abroad in order to seek the evaluation standard of information ability. Many scholars have put forward their views on the composition of information ability. After carefully analyzing the evaluation standards of information literacy at home and abroad, this study holds that the information ability of college students should include the ability to obtain information. Information processing capability (including information evaluation and reconstruction), information application capability (including information management and exchange). Information ability as a level of information literacy, there is no independent, unified evaluation standard, in order to understand the current situation of information ability of contemporary college students, The author analyzes the American ACRL evaluation standard and the evaluation index system of university information literacy ability in Beijing area in China. The author thinks that the evaluation standard of college students' information ability should have three dimensions: the ability of obtaining information. Ability of information processing and information application. Therefore, the title of the questionnaire mainly from these three aspects to set up to understand the specific problems of contemporary college students' information ability. In addition, computer course is an important source for college students to acquire information knowledge, which has a great influence on the level of information ability. As well as the university student to the information ability self-expectation question. A total of 180 questionnaires were sent out, covering the arts and science students from freshmen to seniors, and analyzed by SPSS17.0 software. The results show that the college students' ability to obtain information is poor, most of them do not know how to use the advanced retrieval in the database, so they feel confused in the face of the vast amount of information, and the level of information processing ability of college students is not high. Most people judge information only by their own judgment and do not communicate with others, and most people adopt "holism" to information, which cannot be reconstructed; in the application of information, Most students can only communicate with the simplest words, but there are huge problems in the use of other more expressive software, and only a few students will manage the information in detail. At the same time, many college students say that the contents of the current computer courses are old and uninteresting. Aiming at the problems of college students' information ability, this paper puts forward some suggestions and prospects for the future.


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1 魏华;陈献兰;;论如何培养大学生的信息意识和信息能力[J];高教论坛;2008年05期

2 李端强;何国基;王禹;;新时期大学新生信息素养的调查与研究[J];现代教育技术;2007年12期

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1 田晓锟;网络技术发展对大学生信息力的影响[D];成都理工大学;2011年




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