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发布时间:2018-09-13 12:16
【摘要】:人的全面发展理论是马克思主义的核心组成部分,是人类社会发展的必然要求,中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会无论是总结科学发展观,还是描绘未来五到十年的发展,都更加强调人的全面发展,更加强调尊重人民主体地位。这是人的全面发展与社会各个层面和谐发展密切结合的契机,也是高校辅导员工作促进大学生全面发展的新机遇。研究人的全面发展理论是对中国特色社会主义及其核心价值观的实践都有着重要的现实意义。只有尽可能多方面发展能力的劳动者才能适应现代生产对劳动者劳动能力的需要,才能真正实现好最广大人民根本利益,才能发挥出首创精神。促进了人的全面发展,也就能够从根本上做到了发展成果的共享和反哺。 人的全面发展理论告诉我们,研究人的问题要从个人、集体、人类三个维度来研究各种问题。高校辅导员工作是高校思想政治教育和人才培养的重要组成部分,是实现党对高校的领导的基础,是落实高校中心工作的实施者,是服务大学生成长成才的主体,是促进和谐校园建设的根基。人的全面发展理论作为高校辅导员工作的重要理论依据,其运用可以更加全面的提升大学生素质,为大学生解决适当的需求问题,有针对性的提供一定的物质保障,是大学生开展博雅通识教育活动的具体指导。高校辅导员在培育大学生德、智、体、美等方面应该是齐头并进,充分满足大学生全面发展的需要。高校辅导员工作与大学生的全面发展两者相互支持和促进,一方面大学生的全面发展是高校辅导员工作的终极目标,也是人全面发展的重要阶段;另一方面,大学生的全面发展在不同时期的不同特征又为高校辅导员工作提出新的要求,促进思想政治教育不断向前发展。对于大学生的思想政治教育,辅导员工作的内容、形式、方法等也都要随着客观情况的变化而不断的变化。 有相关的研究显示,关于人的全面发展理论与高校辅导员工作的研究存在这样一个明显的不足:将人的全面发展仅局限于大学生主体,而忽视了高校辅导员主体,将人的全面发展默认为是高校大学生的全面发展。基于这种现状,以人的全面发展思想为理论指导,在考虑大学生的发展阶段及特点前提下,审视目前我国高校辅导员工作中的问题,以期通过加强这方面的理论与实践研究来解决现实问题。本文还通过高校辅导员对理工科大学生艺术素质教育的实践,高校辅导员在卓越工程师教育培养计划中的角色定位两个例证来进一步说明辅导员工作实践中的问题,分析产生这些问题的原因,并采取相应的对策和措施。
[Abstract]:The theory of comprehensive human development is the core component of Marxism and the inevitable requirement of the development of human society. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), whether it summarizes the scientific concept of development or depicts the development of the next five to ten years, More emphasis on the overall development of human beings, more emphasis on respect for the status of the main body of the people. This is an opportunity to combine the all-round development of human beings with the harmonious development of all levels of society, and also a new opportunity for the work of college counselors to promote the all-round development of college students. To study the theory of man's all-round development is of great practical significance to the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics and its core values. Only the laborer who can develop the ability in as many aspects as possible can adapt to the demand of the labor ability of the laborer in modern production, realize the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, and bring into play the pioneering spirit. To promote the overall development of people, it can fundamentally achieve the sharing of development results and feedback. The theory of man's all-round development tells us that the study of human problems should be based on three dimensions: individual, collective and human. The work of college counselors is an important part of ideological and political education and talent training in colleges and universities. It is the foundation of the Party's leadership over colleges and universities, the implementers of implementing the central work of colleges and universities, and the main body that serves the growth and development of college students. It is the foundation of promoting harmonious campus construction. As an important theoretical basis for the work of college counselors, the theory of all-round development of human beings can be used to improve the quality of college students more comprehensively, to solve the appropriate needs of college students, and to provide a certain material guarantee. It is the concrete guidance for college students to carry out general education activities. College counselors should keep pace with each other in cultivating students' morality, intelligence, physique and beauty, and fully meet the needs of the all-round development of college students. The work of college counselors and the all-round development of college students support and promote each other. On the one hand, the comprehensive development of college students is the ultimate goal of college counselors' work, and it is also an important stage for the all-round development of human beings. The all-round development of college students in different periods has put forward new requirements for the work of college counselors and promoted the development of ideological and political education. For the ideological and political education of college students, the contents, forms and methods of counselors' work should also change with the change of objective conditions. Some related studies have shown that there is such an obvious deficiency in the study of the theory of human comprehensive development and the work of college counselors: limiting the overall development of people to the main body of college students, while neglecting the subject of college counselors. The overall development of people is the default for the overall development of college students. Based on this situation, under the guidance of the overall development of human beings, and considering the development stage and characteristics of college students, this paper examines the problems in the work of college counselors in our country. In order to strengthen the theoretical and practical research to solve practical problems. Through the practice of college counselors to the art quality education of science and engineering students, and the role orientation of college counselors in the education and training plan of outstanding engineers, this paper further explains the problems in the work practice of counselors. Analyze the causes of these problems, and take appropriate countermeasures and measures.


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