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发布时间:2018-09-14 13:06
【摘要】:当代中国,教育一直是国富民强、时代发展的第一要务。随着我国教育体制改革和国情需要,随着公办高校的逐渐稳固,民办高校也随之快速发展起来。现如今,在高等教育发展的进程中民办高校占据了至关重要的地位。而制约民办高校教学质量的首要重点则是他的学科建设发展状况,所以民办高校的学科发展更是成为我国高等教育的重要组成部分。为此,不仅扩大了对高等教育和科研项目的投入,增加了教育资源存量,而且还为更多的青年提供了接受高等教育的机会和可选择的空间。目前,民办高校不论是学科种类的横向发展,还是科研水平的纵向提高,都已经初步建立起适合于自身发展的运行机制,并逐渐融入到了我国高校学科发展的统一步伐中。 但相对于国家直属重点院校,民办高校的学科建设、教学制度、培养模式还有待提高。目前,民办高校学科发展规模较小,受重视程度尚浅。针对这些现状,我国中央政府及省市地方政府为解决这一难题,大力扶持民办高的学科发展,相继提出了不同程度的解决方案,并计划出台相关合理的条文条例,法律法规。现今也有一部分相关法规设定,但在某种程度上还存在比较笼统和模糊的现象,操作执行还缺乏规范性。进而影响民办高校在学科培养,育人育才过程中,各项权益的保障和科研计划的实施。 民办高校同样肩负着为中国特色社会主义事业培养建设者和接班人的重任,因此,从国家到地方政府对民办高校学科建设的支持与投入至关重要,这是民办高校为国家培养宝贵人才,建设民族希望的基层保障。 本文主要以地方政府的政策为切入点,旨在分析当前民办高校学科建设的前景,进而对民办高校学科发展的前景及提高民办高校科研水平的有效途径展开进一步的探讨。
[Abstract]:Contemporary China, education has been rich and strong, the first priority of the development of the times. With the reform of our country's education system and the need of our national conditions, and with the steady development of public colleges and universities, private colleges and universities have also developed rapidly. Nowadays, in the process of higher education development, private colleges and universities occupy a vital position. The primary focus of restricting the teaching quality of private colleges and universities is the development of his discipline construction, so the subject development of private colleges and universities has become an important part of higher education in our country. To this end, not only has the investment in higher education and scientific research projects been expanded and the stock of educational resources increased, but it has also provided more young people with opportunities and options for higher education. At present, both the horizontal development of disciplines and the vertical improvement of the level of scientific research in private colleges and universities, have initially established a suitable operating mechanism for their own development, and gradually integrated into the unified pace of discipline development in colleges and universities in China. However, the subject construction, teaching system and training mode of private colleges and universities need to be improved. At present, the private university discipline development scale is small, receives the degree of attention is still shallow. In view of these present situation, in order to solve this problem, the central government and the local governments of provinces and cities of our country vigorously support the development of the high discipline run by the people, put forward the solutions to different degrees one after another, and plan to issue relevant and reasonable articles, regulations, laws and regulations. At present, there are some laws and regulations, but to some extent, there are still some general and vague phenomena, and the operational execution is still lack of standardization. Then it affects the protection of the rights and interests and the implementation of the scientific research plan in the course of discipline training and training of talents in private colleges and universities. Non-governmental colleges and universities also shoulder the important task of training builders and successors for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, the support and input from the state to the local governments to the discipline construction of private colleges and universities are of great importance. This is private-run colleges and universities for the country to cultivate valuable talent, building the national hope of the grass-roots guarantee. This paper mainly takes the policy of local government as the breakthrough point, aims at analyzing the prospect of discipline construction in private colleges and universities at present, and further probes into the prospect of discipline development in private colleges and universities and the effective ways to improve the scientific research level of private colleges and universities.


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