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发布时间:2018-09-14 15:39
【摘要】:我国社会主义现代化事业正处于快速发展的关键时期,开放已经成为了社会的主旋律,高校思想政治理论课教学承担着为国家培养合格的社会主义现代化事业的建设者和接班人的任务。因此,高校思想政治理论课教学也必须坚持以开放促改革、促发展,对高校思想政治理论课开放性教学的研究意义重大。 开放性教学是针对以往高校思想政治理论课传统封闭的教学所提出的,它有利于提高高校思想政治理论课的教学效果。本文围绕高校思想政治理论课开放性不强的现状,,根据高校学生思想实际,从教学内容、教学方法、教学手段、教学环境、教学准备五方面入手,联系思想、信息、方法三方面的开放性,对高校思想政治理论课开放性教学进行系统研究和深入探讨,并提出了一些解决相应问题的方法。本文重点阐述了教学内容要联系社会问题、联系最新理论成果、联系专业课进行渗透教学的方法,教学方法要以学生兴趣为主和以问题设计为主为研究思路,教学手段要以多媒体和网络为构建载体等高校思想政治理论课开放性教学的构建方法,以提高高校思想政治理论课的实效性。本文希望通过对高校思想政治理论课开放性教学的研究,能够对高校思想政治理论课教学提供一些帮助和参考,为高校思想政治理论课教学的发展贡献一点微薄的力量。
[Abstract]:The cause of socialist modernization in China is in a crucial period of rapid development, and opening up has become the main theme of society. The teaching of ideological and political theory in colleges and universities undertakes the task of cultivating qualified constructors and successors of socialist modernization for the country. Therefore, the teaching of ideological and political theory in colleges and universities must persist in promoting reform and development by opening up, which is of great significance to the research of open teaching of ideological and political theory in colleges and universities. The open teaching is aimed at the traditional closed teaching of the ideological and political theory course in colleges and universities, which is helpful to improve the teaching effect of the ideological and political theory course in colleges and universities. This article revolves around the university ideological and political theory course opening not strong present situation, according to the university student thought reality, from the teaching content, the teaching method, the teaching environment, the teaching preparation five aspects, the connection thought, the information, Methods the open teaching of ideological and political theory course in colleges and universities is systematically studied and discussed in three aspects, and some methods to solve the corresponding problems are put forward. This paper focuses on the teaching content should be related to social problems, the latest theoretical results, the professional courses to infiltrate teaching methods, teaching methods should focus on student interest and problem design as the main research ideas. In order to improve the effectiveness of the ideological and political theory course in colleges and universities, the teaching means should be based on multimedia and network as the carrier of the construction of open teaching of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities. This paper hopes that through the research on the open teaching of ideological and political theory course in colleges and universities, it can provide some help and reference for the teaching of ideological and political theory course in colleges and universities, and contribute a little bit to the development of ideological and political theory course teaching in colleges and universities.


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