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发布时间:2018-09-17 12:38
【摘要】:为加快人力资源的开发,落实科教兴国战略和全面提升国民素质,为大力发展职业教育,各地职业学校都在加大招生力度,学生整体素质下降,招收学生在专业和基础文化课学习方面困难,尤其是在数学教学方面给任课老师带来很大的挑战。 本文在已有相关研究的基础上,通过对特殊师范生的问卷调查和个别访谈,,综合分析了中等职业学校数学学习困难产生的原因,提出了针对性的转化对策。本文共分为五个部分,第一章为概述,阐述了研究背景、目的和意义,研究的主要问题和研究的方法。第二章为文献综述,梳理了学习困难方面的研究成果,包括特殊师范数学学习困难学生的界定,数学学习困难研究的历史及其发展。第三章主要对特殊师范生数学学习情况、学习动机进行调查和分析,同时对五年一贯制大专特师数学学习困难学生在学习策略上进行调查,并对五年一贯制大专特师数学学习困难学生进行访谈,分析其智力、非智力、教学、环境等方面的原因。第四章提出了特师数学学习困难学生转化的解决策略,旨在提高特殊师范学校数学教与学的质量。第五章结束语。
[Abstract]:In order to speed up the development of human resources, implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education and comprehensively improve the quality of the nation, and in order to vigorously develop vocational education, vocational schools everywhere are increasing their enrollment efforts, and the overall quality of students is declining. It is difficult to enroll students in major and basic culture, especially in mathematics teaching. On the basis of related research, this paper analyzes the causes of mathematics learning difficulties in secondary vocational schools by questionnaire survey and individual interviews, and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures. This paper is divided into five parts. The first chapter is an overview of the research background, purpose and significance, the main problems and research methods. The second chapter is a literature review, combing the research results of learning difficulties, including the definition of students with special normal mathematics learning difficulties, the history and development of mathematics learning difficulties. The third chapter mainly investigates and analyzes the mathematics learning situation and learning motivation of the special normal students. Meanwhile, it investigates the learning strategies of the students with mathematics learning difficulties in the five year old college teachers. The author also interviews the students with mathematics learning difficulties in the five-year special college teachers to analyze the reasons of their intelligence, non-intelligence, teaching, environment and so on. The fourth chapter puts forward the solving strategy of transforming students with special teachers' mathematics learning difficulties in order to improve the quality of mathematics teaching and learning in special normal schools. The conclusion of chapter five.


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1 鲁献蓉;数学学习困难学生的认知特点[J];数学教育学报;1999年04期

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1 华雪;中职学校数学学困生的成因分析与转化对策研究[D];山东师范大学;2005年

2 李志民;高中数学学困生数学学习困难的调查研究[D];西北师范大学;2007年




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