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发布时间:2018-09-19 11:05
[Abstract]:The problem of educational development plays an important role in the overall coordination of social economy and sustainable development. Teaching team building is one of the contents of the quality engineering of education and teaching, is the guarantee and important support force of educational development. Some opinions on further deepening undergraduate teaching reform and improving teaching quality are pointed out by the Ministry of Education. It is pointed out that the teaching team should be built and the sustainable development teaching team should be cultivated. The construction of teaching team is also an important measure in the construction of teaching team. Since the promulgation and implementation of "quality Engineering", colleges and universities in China are vigorously promoting the construction of teaching teams. A large number of excellent teaching teams have emerged in colleges and universities at all levels. Teaching teams at all levels have contributed a great deal of strength to the economic and social construction of our country and trained a large number of outstanding talents in various fields of our country. However, in practice, the quality of teaching teams at all levels can be described as intermingled, some teaching teams are not clear internal division of labor, the development of business performance innovative characteristics is not enough; Some lack of institutional support and team culture conducive to team formation and development; some teaching teams lack leadership and innovation skills; others lack effective communication among their members. In order to achieve the goal of the team, there is a lack of execution, and there are often some conflicts between the team and the external environment, which greatly affect the progress of the teaching team as a whole. All these problems are caused by the lack of good execution ability after good policy formulation and the emergence of various unexpected negative conflicts in the process of carrying out the policy. The construction of teaching team has become an important research topic for colleges and universities at all levels to improve their own human resources management and optimal allocation. Under the background of "quality engineering", this paper, starting with the construction of teaching team, focuses on the problems of execution and conflict resolution in the course of development of teaching team. Draw useful experience through comparison with enterprise team and foreign teaching team. Through the argumentation of the basic principles of Marxism on the relationship between human beings and social relations, Mao Zedong's contradiction theory and the relevant theories of western management, we try to find out a kind of macro and sustainable in the cultural level. In order to enrich the theoretical and practical research on the construction of teaching team in our country, we can improve the running condition of teaching team and enhance the whole ability of teaching team. It has a strong practical significance on how to manage the teaching team.


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