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发布时间:2018-09-19 15:24
【摘要】:随着我国社会经济的快速发展,人民群众的精神文化水平得到了显著的提高。对于一个社会来说,要想实现长久的和谐繁荣与长治久安,不仅要依靠完善的社会管理制度,更取决于处于该社会的人民群众具有怎样的整体公民素质。良好的公民素质不但能够有效地提升社会价值的凝聚力和认同性,能够为国家的繁荣昌盛提供强大精神力量,还能够进一步弥补当前社会道德下滑的弊端,使人们产生积极的共同理想与追求,能够促使社会向着健康、文明、和谐的方向有序的发展。特别是对于当前我国全面建设社会主义和谐社会的伟大目标来说,加强公民素质教育则是一项利国利民的重要举措。而大学生是我国未来发展各项事业的重要人才储备,属于公民中较为特殊的潜力群体,大学生公民素质的高低,则直接关系到精神文明建设取得怎样的成效,,关系到我国社会发展的整体方向,从长远角度来说更关系到我国人才强国伟大战略决策的最终成败。然而,从当前情况来看,我国的大学生在基本的公民素质方面还有待提升,高校在针对大学生所开展的大学生公民教育方面还并不成熟,尚且缺少完善的教育体制与科学的教育方法,在内容上也需要进一步的补充和优化,鉴于当前大学生公民素质教育成效不显著等问题,本文则尝试对于高校的大学生公民素质教育的相关内容进行简要地论述,从而为推进我国大学生公民素质教育贡献微薄的力量。本文共分为三个部分: 第一部分,大学生公民素质教育基本理论概述,在这一部分中,主要论述了大学生公民素质教育的内涵,大学生公民素质与高校思想政治教育的关系以及大学生公民素质教育的理论依据,从而为下文的研究提供必要的理论支持。 第二部分,大学生公民素质的现状与原因分析,这一部分主要分析了大学生公民素质的现状与问题的成因,大学生公民素质教育的重要性,主要从和谐社会的建设、高等教育的改革与发展、高校大学生的思想政治教育以及大学生个人全面发展的角度提出了加强大学生公民素质教育的重要性,由此对于大学生公民素质教育的现实做出了理性的审视。 第三部分,大学生公民素质教育的对策,这一部分在前文论述的基础上从教育理念、教育内容体系、教育主体的素质、教育的途径和载体以及教育立体化的模式几方面提出了加强大学生公民素质教育的对策,望得到专家与导师们的批评与指正。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's social economy, the spiritual and cultural level of the people has been significantly improved. For a society, if we want to achieve long-term harmony and prosperity and lasting stability, we must not only rely on the perfect social management system, but also depend on how the people in that society have the overall quality of citizens. Good quality of citizens can not only effectively enhance the cohesion and identity of social values, but also provide a powerful spiritual force for the prosperity of the country, and can further remedy the drawbacks of the current social moral decline. Make people produce positive common ideal and pursue, can promote the society to healthy, civilized, harmonious direction orderly development. Especially for the great goal of building a harmonious socialist society in an all-round way, strengthening the quality education of citizens is an important measure to benefit the country and the people. College students are an important reserve of talents for the future development of various undertakings in our country, and they belong to a relatively special potential group of citizens. The quality of college students' citizens is directly related to the effectiveness of the construction of spiritual civilization. It relates to the whole direction of social development of our country, and it is also related to the final success or failure of the great strategic decision of our country in the long run. However, judging from the current situation, the basic civic quality of college students in our country has yet to be improved, and colleges and universities are not mature in the field of civic education for college students. However, there is a lack of perfect educational system and scientific educational methods, and the contents need to be further supplemented and optimized. In view of the fact that the effect of citizen quality education on college students is not significant at present, This paper attempts to briefly discuss the relevant contents of college students' civic quality education, thus contributing a meagre strength to the promotion of our country's college students' civic quality education. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part is an overview of the basic theory of citizen quality education for college students. In this part, the connotation of citizen quality education for college students is mainly discussed. The relationship between college students' civic quality and ideological and political education and the theoretical basis of college students' civic quality education, thus providing the necessary theoretical support for the following research. The second part, the present situation and the reason analysis of the university student citizen quality, this part mainly analyzed the university student citizen quality present situation and the question cause, the university student citizen quality education importance, mainly from the harmonious society construction, The reform and development of higher education, the ideological and political education of college students and the overall development of college students put forward the importance of strengthening the quality education of college students. From this, the reality of quality education for college students made a rational examination. The third part, the countermeasures of college students' citizen quality education. This part is based on the educational concept, the educational content system, the quality of the main body of education. The ways and carriers of education and the three-dimensional mode of education put forward the countermeasures to strengthen the quality education of college students, and hope to be criticized and corrected by experts and mentors.


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