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发布时间:2018-10-05 10:19
【摘要】:随着我国改革开放的进程,各种新的社会现象层出不穷,多样的思想观念和文化得以广泛传播,对女大学生的审美价值观产生了深刻影响。女大学生处于世界观、人生观、价值观等尚未发展成熟的阶段,对于社会中的新事物难以做出全面正确的认识和判断,加上现实的就业压力,他们把主要精力和热情都放到了专业知识学习上,在一定程度上造成其它方面素质的缺失,严重制约了他们审美能力的提升。通过改进女大学生的审美价值观教育,让女大学生能够体验美好,体验快乐,体验崇高,在潜移默化中提升对美的感受力、鉴赏力、创造力,促进自我完善,是目前高等教育中重要但往往被忽视了一个问题。 基于此,,本文针对当前我国女大学生这个群体的审美价值观进行了深入分析。第一章介绍了当代女大学生审美价值观的研究现状及趋势,同时指出了其中的不足;第二章主要分析了我国文化中女性审美价值观的理论背景;第三章分析了研究当前女大学生审美取向的意义;第四章针对我国当代女大学生审美价值观中所存在的问题提出了相应的教育对策。
[Abstract]:With the process of reform and opening up in China, various new social phenomena emerge in endlessly, and various ideas and cultures are widely spread, which has a profound impact on the aesthetic values of female college students. Female college students are at a stage where the world outlook, outlook on life and values are not yet mature, and it is difficult for them to make a comprehensive and correct understanding and judgment of the new things in society, together with the actual pressure of employment. They put their main energy and enthusiasm on the study of professional knowledge, to a certain extent, resulting in the lack of other aspects of quality, which seriously restricted their aesthetic ability. Through the improvement of female college students' aesthetic values education, female college students can experience beauty, experience happiness, experience sublime, enhance the influence on beauty, taste, creativity, and promote self-improvement in the process of imperceptible influence, appreciation, creativity and self-improvement. It is an important but often neglected problem in higher education at present. Based on this, this paper analyzes the aesthetic values of female college students in China. The first chapter introduces the current situation and trend of contemporary female college students' aesthetic values, and points out the shortcomings of them, the second chapter mainly analyzes the theoretical background of female aesthetic values in Chinese culture. The third chapter analyzes the significance of the research on the aesthetic orientation of female college students at present, and the fourth chapter puts forward the corresponding educational countermeasures against the problems existing in the aesthetic values of contemporary female college students in China.


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