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发布时间:2018-10-07 18:49
【摘要】:与当今社会经济、科技、文化等物质文明的飞速发展的现状相比,精神文明的发展却显示出某种程度的滞后性。社会道德失衡、文化传承遇阻、物质欲望的膨胀冲击着人们的精神圣土,从而将人们的注意力更多的转移到当前的教育体系上来。师范专业大学生既担负着培育祖国花朵的重担,同时自身仍然承担着受教育的任务。在这个双重任务的过程中,能否经受住来自外界社会的诱惑,坚定并发扬自身的教育感染力,是十分需要一种坚定的精神支撑的。 教育力下降,将剑锋直指当今的师范教育。而师范精神在整个师范教育发展中起着提纲挈领的重要作用。本研究在界定师范精神的概念,探讨高校师范专业大学生师范精神的特点与功能的基础上,通过广泛搜集资料与调查研究,发现当前我国师范院校的师范精神的现状不容乐观。导致这种现状的原因,既有大学生个体方面的原因,也有社会整体对师范教育的态度及重视程度的原因,以及师范教育学校自身因素。此外,国家对师范教育的政策及态度也是影响师范精神发展的重要因素。 师范专业大学生师范精神培育,需要以以人为本精神贯彻整个师范教育全过程;改善校园文化建设;提高教师水平和教师的师范精神意识以及完善高师教育模式,注重反馈评价、教育实践、情感培养方面着手。其中,以人为本是核心,校园文化环境建设是基础,教师因素是前提,完善教育模式是保障。
[Abstract]:Compared with the rapid development of social economy, science and technology, culture and other material civilization, the development of spiritual civilization shows a certain degree of lag. The imbalance of social morality, the obstruction of cultural transmission and the expansion of material desire impact on the spiritual sacred land of people, thus shifting people's attention to the current education system. Normal college students not only bear the burden of cultivating the flowers of the motherland, but also undertake the task of education. In the course of this dual task, whether to withstand the temptation from the outside society, to firmly develop their own educational appeal, is very necessary for a firm spiritual support. The decline in educational ability will direct Jianfeng to the normal education of today. The spirit of normal education plays an important role in the development of normal education. On the basis of defining the concept of normal spirit and probing into the characteristics and functions of normal spirit of college students majoring in normal colleges and universities, the present situation of normal spirit in normal colleges in our country is not optimistic through extensive data collection and investigation. The reasons for this kind of situation are not only the individual aspects of college students, but also the attitude of the whole society to normal education and the reasons of the degree of attention, as well as the factors of the normal education school itself. In addition, the state's policy and attitude towards normal education is also an important factor affecting the development of teachers' spirit. To cultivate the normal spirit of college students, it is necessary to carry out the whole process of normal education with the spirit of people-oriented, to improve the construction of campus culture, to improve the level of teachers and teachers' sense of normal spirit, and to perfect the mode of normal education. Pay attention to feedback evaluation, educational practice, emotional training. Among them, people-oriented is the core, the construction of campus cultural environment is the foundation, the teacher factor is the premise, and the perfection of the educational model is the guarantee.


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