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发布时间:2018-10-07 19:06
[Abstract]:As a common educational institution in ancient China, academies were set up by private or government officials to teach and study knowledge, especially in the Ming and Qing dynasties, which became an indispensable organizational form of social education. This paper explores the positive interaction between the academies in the Han River Basin and the local society through the specific textual research and investigation of the development characteristics of the academies in the Han River Basin during the Ming and Qing dynasties. This paper summarizes the development course and important social function of Han River Basin Academy in Ming and Qing dynasties. The author first makes statistics on the development of academies in the Han River Basin in Song and Yuan dynasties and makes some comparative analysis in order to clarify the potential basis of the development of academies in the Han River Basin in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The Ming Dynasty was the peak of the development of academies in the Hanjiang River Basin. Through the statistics of the number of academies in the Hanjiang River Basin and the analysis of the space-time distribution of the academies, It can be found that the development of academies in the Han River Basin in Ming Dynasty has the characteristics of stage development in time and uneven development in region. The stage of development in time was mainly influenced by the cultural and educational policy of Ming Dynasty and the promotion of Wang Zhan's study. The political function, social economy, local transportation condition and special social environment of provincial capital and Fucheng are the important reasons for the unbalanced development of the academy. The construction of academies in the Han River Valley in Qing Dynasty was more prosperous than that in Ming Dynasty. The changes before and after the Qing Dynasty Academy policy and the change of the strength of the country are the main reasons for the gradual development of the academies in the Han River Basin in the Qing Dynasty, and the differences in the social and economic conditions are the key factors for the unbalanced development of the academies in the region. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the trend of official learning in the Hanjiang River Basin was deepened. State-run academies occupy the primary position in both number and scale. Officials at all levels also through the establishment of academies, donations of property, participation in management and many other forms and colleges have been inextricably linked, leading the Academy of official learning. College architecture is an important material form of teaching, living and management of the academy. Its location is very careful and takes all kinds of factors into consideration. The space layout is strict, solemn and lively. Moreover, the architectural form of academies in the Hanjiang River Basin contains profound connotation, which not only embodies the unity of nature and man, but also embodies the spirit of pursuing noble quality. Internal management is an important part of the college's daily operation. After several hundred years of development in the Ming and Qing dynasties, the management mechanism of the academies in the Hanjiang River Basin was gradually improved, forming a set of mature management system. There are the mono-core management mode of the chief responsibility system, the dual-core management mode combined with the director of Shan Changzhai, and the joint management mode led by the board of directors. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Han River Valley Academy had a wide range of sources of funding and various ways of using it, which also formed a management mechanism with Zhai as the main manager. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the selection standard, the source and the number of students in the Han River Basin Academy were quite distinctive. Its teaching form was mainly the examination course, and the teaching content had its own local characteristics. It is very important to study the interactive relationship between academy and local culture and education. The study on the relationship between them can reflect the important influence of college on local social culture and education. The analysis of the relationship between academy and number of scholars is clear proof. At the same time, the academy has become the main place of social education. The activities such as lectures, sacrifices and other activities play an irreplaceable role in spreading Confucian culture and expanding the scope of cultural popularization, and in promoting the development of regional culture. These forms also have reference significance for carrying out socialist core values.


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6 记者 吕sァ∈迪吧,




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