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发布时间:2018-10-08 18:52
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the emergence of Internet-based smartphones, the number of mobile phone users has increased rapidly. As a part of the group, the use of mobile phones by college students occupies an important position in the whole group. As a result, the "thumb family" can be found everywhere on university campuses. With mobile phone as the medium, the social communication of college students tends to network, and this trend increases gradually. With the rapid development of the Internet, it has deviated from the original technical level and turned to the networked society based on the real society, thus the human being has entered the interpersonal communication mode based on the real society. This new mode of communication is called the networking mode of social communication. The premise of networking of social communication is the real society, which means that the networking of social communication has the real characteristics of interpersonal communication in the real society, and it is the transition from traditional virtual network to real society. As a special group, the networking mode of social communication has become an important way of interpersonal communication, and the particularity of college students has made it the largest number of network groups in social communication. The networking of social communication brings convenience to college students, but also brings some problems. This study explores the networking of college students' social communication, explores their motivation to network communication, their attitude towards social networking, the problems in the process of social communication, and the characteristics of social networking. The factors that cause social communication and networking, the characteristics of college students themselves, and so on. Through exploration, we can understand their real psychology and motivation in favor of network communication. For them, it is beneficial to their healthy growth to treat their network communication correctly, to keep a clear mind about the problems that arise in the network communication, and to make rational use of the network communication. More conducive to their social interaction ability. In this study, we investigated the networking phenomenon of college students in favor of social interaction in the form of questionnaires, and randomly selected 390 college students to conduct a questionnaire. The contents of the questionnaires were mainly based on the basic information of college students and the use of mobile phones. The relationship between mobile phone use and social interaction is dominant, and other related factors are analyzed. In addition, six randomly selected college students were interviewed by the method of interview to observe the attitudes and views of students of different grades, genders and majors on social communication and networking. It mainly uses Habermas' communication behavior rationality, Marx's communication theory, Milgram's topological relation, Maslow's demand theory to analyze the network phenomenon of college students' social communication.


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