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发布时间:2018-10-09 12:24
【摘要】:考试是国家选拔人才的重要方法,是竞争和淘汰的一种方式。考试行为是社会风气、校风、学风、考风的反应,也是学生诚信品质和道德水准的体现。因此,考试的公正与公平性就显得尤为重要,它不仅仅影响到学生个人的发展,还影响到学校的声誉,更影响着社会的发展。然而,在大学各类考试中,作弊现象仍然时有发生,而且作弊方式和手段不断翻新,作弊人群不断增多。 基于此,本论文运用历史法、文献资料法、演绎归纳法及理论联系实际法,在结合国内外相关专家对考试作弊的研究成果的基础上,分析了当前大学生考试作弊的特点及危害,并详细分析了大学生考试作弊的成因,最后提出大学生考试作弊的对策。 本论文共分五个部分: 第一部分:绪论。阐述本研究的研究背景、国内外研究的现状,研究内容与方法,目的及意义。 第二部分:对大学生考试作弊现状进行了分析。主要对相关概念进行了界定,分析了当前大学生考试作弊的特点及其危害。 第三部分:对大学生考试作弊行为的成因分析。从社会大环境的影响、高校教育管理存在偏差、学生自我管理有待提升等三个方面进行详细的分析。 第四部分:提出大学生考试作弊的应对策略。针对大学生考试作弊行为,提出要加强校风的监督与管理,建立完善的大学生的诚信管理体系,注重教学管理,提高大学生自我约束能力,实现自我管理等措施。 第五部分:结论。对本文的研究成果进行总结。
[Abstract]:Examination is an important method of selecting talents and a way of competition and elimination. Examination behavior is the reflection of social atmosphere, school spirit, study style and examination style, and also the embodiment of students' credit quality and moral standard. Therefore, the fairness and fairness of the examination is particularly important. It not only affects the individual development of the students, but also affects the reputation of the school and the development of the society. However, cheating still occurs from time to time in college examinations, and cheating ways and means are constantly renovated, and the number of cheating people is increasing. Based on this, this paper uses the historical method, the literature method, the deductive inductive method and the theory combined with the practice method, on the basis of combining the domestic and foreign related experts' research results of cheating in the examination, analyzes the characteristics and harm of the current college students' cheating in the examination. The causes of college students cheating in examination are analyzed in detail. Finally, the countermeasures of cheating in examination are put forward. This thesis is divided into five parts: the first part: introduction. The research background, current situation, contents and methods, purpose and significance of this study are described. The second part analyzes the current situation of college students cheating in exams. This paper defines the related concepts and analyzes the characteristics and harm of college students'cheating in examinations. The third part: the analysis of the causes of college students'cheating in examination. This paper makes a detailed analysis on the influence of the social environment, the deviation of university education management and the improvement of students' self-management. The fourth part: put forward the coping strategies of college students cheating in exams. In view of college students' cheating in examination, the author puts forward some measures such as strengthening the supervision and management of school spirit, establishing a perfect management system of college students' honesty and credit, paying attention to teaching management, improving students' self-restraint ability, and realizing self-management, etc. Part V: conclusion. The research results of this paper are summarized.


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