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发布时间:2018-10-09 14:19
【摘要】:随着高校的扩招和高等教育改革的不断推进,我国的高等教育也越来越多地受到了社会各界的关注,教师管理问题、学生管理问题、教学管理体制问题以及和谐校园建设问题都是普遍受到关注的焦点。而高校教师作为高校建设和发展的主力军,承担着教书育人的重任,还担负着学科建设、知识创新和科学研究等重要职责,他们更是面临着前所未有的挑战和压力。关注高校教师主观幸福感,展开高校教师主观幸福感的研究,不仅有助于教师自身的身心健康,还有助于学生的成长进步以及整个学校乃至教育事业的健康发展。 正是基于这一考虑,本文以文献分析和调查研究为基础,对秦皇岛市的高校教师主观幸福感进行实证研究,,了解高校教师主观幸福感总体水平,分析影响高校教师主观幸福感的因素,对提升秦皇岛市高校教师主观幸福感水平提出建议。研究结果表明,秦皇岛市高校教师整体主观幸福感处于中等偏上水平,对于影响主观幸福感的因素,本研究选择了性别、年龄、职称、婚姻状况、有无私有住房、学校差异、最高学历、教龄和年均收入等指标,从生活满意度、正性情感、负性情感和自述幸福感四个维度进行统计分析。结果表明,性别在自述幸福感维度上的得分有显著差异;在自述幸福感维度,年龄、职称、有无私有住房存在显著差异;而学校的差异在生活满意、正性情感两个维度以及自述幸福感上的得分存在极显著差异,在负性情感维度上存在显著差异;婚姻状况在生活满意和正性情感维度上的得分存在显著差异;有无私有住房在生活满意和正性情感维度上的得分存在显著差异;最高学历、教龄和年均收入在四个维度上均不存在显著差异。最后,研究从教师个人、学校和社会三个方面提出建议以提升高校教师的主观幸福感水平。
[Abstract]:With the expansion of college enrollment and the continuous promotion of higher education reform, higher education in our country has been paid more and more attention to by all walks of life, teachers' management and students' management. The problems of teaching management system and harmonious campus construction are the focus of attention. As the main force in the construction and development of colleges and universities, college teachers are shouldering the heavy task of teaching and educating people, as well as the important duties of discipline construction, knowledge innovation and scientific research. They are facing unprecedented challenges and pressures. Paying attention to the subjective well-being of college teachers and carrying out the research on the subjective well-being of university teachers are not only helpful to teachers' physical and mental health, but also to the growth and progress of students and the healthy development of the whole school and even the educational cause. On the basis of literature analysis and investigation, this paper makes an empirical study on the subjective well-being of university teachers in Qinhuangdao, and finds out the overall level of subjective well-being of university teachers. This paper analyzes the factors that affect the subjective well-being of college teachers and puts forward some suggestions for improving the subjective well-being of university teachers in Qinhuangdao. The results show that the overall subjective well-being of university teachers in Qinhuangdao is at the middle level. For the factors affecting subjective well-being, this study chose gender, age, professional title, marital status, whether there is a private housing, school differences. The highest educational level, teaching age and average annual income were statistically analyzed from four dimensions: life satisfaction, positive emotion, negative emotion and self-reported well-being. The results showed that there were significant differences in the scores of self-reported well-being in gender, significant differences in self-reported well-being, age, professional title, private housing, and school differences in life satisfaction. There were significant differences in the scores of positive emotion and self-reported well-being, significant differences in negative emotional dimensions, significant differences in marital status between life satisfaction and positive emotional dimensions. There were significant differences in the scores of life satisfaction and positive emotion between private housing and non-private housing, while there was no significant difference in the four dimensions of the highest education, teaching age and average income. Finally, the author puts forward some suggestions from three aspects: individual, school and society in order to improve the subjective well-being of college teachers.


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