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发布时间:2018-10-09 18:17
[Abstract]:The city has given birth to the university, the university is feeding the city. Since the birth of the university in the city, there has been a close interaction between the two. With the development of economy and society, the scope of interaction between university and city is expanding and deepening, covering many fields such as economy, culture, society, environment and so on. At the same time, urban environmental problems are becoming more and more prominent. Many practices have proved that the traditional top-down urban environmental management model has become ineffective. A model of urban governance based on mass participation mechanism emerged as the times require. This paper is based on the theory of polycentric governance, the theory of triple helix, the theory of interaction and conflict, the theory of urban sociology, etc. On the one hand, it analyzes the positive influence of university on urban environmental construction and sustainable development from the mechanism of urban environmental mass participation and the function of university, that is, university environmental education. The role of university environmental scientific research and university environmental protection community in the mode of public participation in urban management and its expression to the sustainable development of urban environment, on the other hand, the restriction and help of the city to the expansion and integration of the contemporary university environment in the city are analyzed. That is, the supporting facilities provided by the city, the attractiveness of talents and the influence of educational development policies on the development of university environment. Then taking Dalian area as a case study, the paper puts forward the problems existing in the interaction between universities and cities in the field of environment, and finally puts forward the main path of rationalization and scientific interaction between universities and cities in the field of environment.


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