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发布时间:2018-10-11 15:10
【摘要】:我国高校担负着培养合格社会主义建设者的任务。大学生价值观教育是高校培养德才兼备人才的重要组成部分。志愿精神教育作为大学生价值观教育的重要内容得到广泛重视。近年来我国大学生志愿服务蓬勃发展,在我国社会结构转型和公民社会兴起的时代背景下,大学生志愿精神培育问题的重要性日益凸显。在大学生价值观教育中培育志愿精神成为高校教育者、理论界研究的重要课题。 论文在分析国内外研究现状的前提下,系统梳理了关于志愿精神和大学生价值观的相关概念、内涵和特征,剖析了大学生价值观与志愿精神的双向互动关系,从而为论文写作奠定了坚实的理论根基。在此基础上,运用问卷调查、座谈和访谈等方法,分析了大学生价值观教育中的志愿精神培育的现状,探究其中存在的问题和原因,找到影响大学生价值观培育的多种因素。针对大学生价值观教育中志愿精神培育存在的问题和影响因素,立足高校思想政治教育的理论和实践,,提出了大学生价值观教育中志愿精神培育的主要内容、基本原则和可行的对策。 大学生价值观教育中志愿精神培育存在的主要问题有:大学生对志愿精神缺乏价值认知;家庭教育的缺失;学校重视不够;社会支持不够。针对上述问题,提出了具体的对策:一是要坚持大学生在志愿精神培育中的主体地位,大学生要实现对志愿精神的价值认同,要做到志愿精神自我培育和志愿服务的知行合一。二是家长要注意自身良好道德形象的塑造,要以志愿精神引导大学生正确价值观的形成,应与学校形成志愿精神培育的合力。三是高校要充分认识价值观教育与志愿精神培育相结合的重要性,提高课程教育在大学生志愿精神培育中的针对性和实效性。高校要通过多种形式为大学生志愿精神培育搭建平台,应建立大学生志愿精神培育的保障和激励机制。四是大学生志愿精神培育更需要广泛的支持。政府、各种宣传媒体和公众应共同努力,社会各界的广泛参与对大学生志愿精神培育尤为重要。
[Abstract]:Colleges and universities in China shoulder the task of cultivating qualified socialist builders. The education of college students' values is an important part of cultivating both moral and talented people in colleges and universities. As an important part of college students' values education, voluntary spirit education has been paid more and more attention. In recent years, the voluntary service of college students in China has developed vigorously. Under the background of the transformation of social structure and the rise of civil society, the importance of cultivating college students' volunteerism has become increasingly prominent. Cultivating the spirit of volunteerism in the education of college students' values has become an important topic for college educators and theorists. On the premise of analyzing the current research situation at home and abroad, the paper systematically combs the related concepts, connotation and characteristics of voluntary spirit and college students' values, and analyzes the two-way interactive relationship between college students' values and voluntary spirit. Thus laid a solid theoretical foundation for the thesis writing. On this basis, by means of questionnaire, discussion and interview, this paper analyzes the present situation of the cultivation of voluntary spirit in the education of college students' values, probes into the existing problems and causes, and finds out the various factors that affect the cultivation of college students' values. Based on the theory and practice of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, this paper puts forward the main contents of the cultivation of voluntary spirit in the education of college students' values, aiming at the existing problems and influencing factors in the cultivation of voluntary spirit in the education of college students' values. Basic principles and feasible countermeasures. The main problems in the cultivation of voluntary spirit in the education of college students' values are: the lack of value cognition of the students' voluntary spirit, the lack of family education, the insufficient attention of the school and the insufficient social support. In view of the above problems, the author puts forward some specific countermeasures: first, to insist on the main position of college students in the cultivation of voluntary spirit, to realize the value identity of voluntary spirit, and to achieve the integration of self-cultivation of voluntary spirit and voluntary service. Second, parents should pay attention to the shaping of their own good moral image, guide the formation of the correct values of college students with the spirit of volunteerism, and form a joint force with the school to cultivate the spirit of volunteerism. Third, colleges and universities should fully understand the importance of combining the education of values with the cultivation of voluntary spirit, and improve the pertinence and effectiveness of curriculum education in the cultivation of voluntary spirit of college students. Colleges and universities should set up a platform for the cultivation of college students' voluntary spirit through various forms, and should establish the guarantee and incentive mechanism for the cultivation of college students' voluntary spirit. Fourth, the cultivation of college students'volunteer spirit needs extensive support. The government, all kinds of propaganda media and the public should make joint efforts, and the broad participation of all walks of life is of great importance to the cultivation of college students' volunteer spirit.


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