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发布时间:2018-10-11 15:09
【摘要】:目前国内院校的汉语教学,多数按照留学生的汉语水平分班,较少考虑学生的年龄层次、学习动机和文化背景等。本人实习的安徽大学国际教育学院同样采用混合班制,混合班即学生年龄、性别、国别、学习动机、文化背景等多个方面混合的班级。由于学习动机、所处文化圈等不同,留学生们在课堂上学习汉语特别是汉字,表现出明显不同的学习特点,会碰到各种各样的难点。本文试图通过对混合班留学生对汉字学习情况进行调查分析,结合对教师教学方法的调查,找到适合混合班留学生的汉字教学策略,进一步提高对外汉字教学效率。 本文共分为五个部分,观察总结了零起点混合班留学生汉语学习情况和对外汉语教师教学方法使用情况,初步探讨了作为混合班汉字教师应使用的教学策略。 第一部分介绍了研究的缘起、目前研究现状、研究的对象及内容、研究的目的、意义和研究的方法。说明在汉语国际教育中的对外汉字教学及相关问题的研究还不够全面和深入,仍存在很多问题需要我们去探讨和解决。 第二部分主要是对混合班留学生汉字学习整体情况的调查与分析,包括学生自然情况的调查,如年龄、学习动机、文化背景等,以及留学生汉字学习情况的调查,分析了留学生汉字学习的特点。 第三部分是混合班对外汉字教学现状调查与分析。在对混合班留学生汉字学习现状了解的基础上,分析混合班汉字教学的难点,通过调查问卷对教师的教学方法进行分析,并调查留学生的意见反馈,发现教师常用的教学方法并不是学生认为有效的。由此看来,改进教学策略和方法势在必行。 第四部分主要是基于前两章对留学生和对外汉语教师的调查分析,提出针对零起点混合班的汉字教学策略。根据实际情况从区分文化背景,区分学习动机,改变教师固有的教学方法等方面提出教学策略,提高混合班汉字教学效果。 最后一部分为本文的小结,对文章的主要观点和结论进行总结,并对本文研究存在的不足做出说明,指出混合班汉字教学的相关研究具有可发展性。
[Abstract]:At present, Chinese teaching in domestic colleges and universities is divided into classes according to the students' level of Chinese, and the age level, learning motivation and cultural background of the students are less considered. The college of international education of Anhui university also adopts the mixed class system. The mixed class is composed of students' age, sex, country, learning motivation, cultural background and so on. Because of the different learning motivation and cultural circle, the students studying Chinese, especially Chinese characters, have different learning characteristics, and they will encounter all kinds of difficulties. This paper attempts to find out the teaching strategies of Chinese characters suitable for foreign students in mixed classes by investigating and analyzing the learning situation of Chinese characters in mixed classes and combining with the investigation of teachers' teaching methods in order to further improve the teaching efficiency of Chinese characters in foreign countries. This paper is divided into five parts. The author observes and summarizes the situation of Chinese learning and the teaching methods used by the Chinese teachers in the mixed classes with zero starting point, and probes into the teaching strategies which should be used as the Chinese character teachers in the mixed classes. The first part introduces the origin of the research, current research status, research object and content, research purpose, significance and research methods. It shows that the research on the teaching of foreign Chinese characters and related problems in the international Chinese language education is not comprehensive and deep enough, and there are still many problems that need to be explored and solved. The second part is mainly about the investigation and analysis of the overall situation of Chinese character learning of foreign students in mixed classes, including the investigation of students' natural situation, such as age, learning motivation, cultural background and so on, as well as the investigation of the situation of students studying Chinese characters. This paper analyzes the characteristics of Chinese character learning for foreign students. The third part is the investigation and analysis of the current situation of Chinese character teaching in mixed class. On the basis of understanding the present situation of Chinese character learning for foreign students in mixed classes, the difficulties in Chinese character teaching in mixed classes are analyzed. The teaching methods of teachers are analyzed by questionnaire, and the feedback of foreign students is investigated. It is found that the teaching methods commonly used by teachers are not considered effective by students. Therefore, it is imperative to improve teaching strategies and methods. The fourth part is mainly based on the first two chapters of the investigation and analysis of foreign students and teachers of Chinese as a foreign language, put forward a zero starting point mixed classes of Chinese character teaching strategies. According to the actual situation, this paper puts forward teaching strategies from the aspects of distinguishing cultural background, distinguishing learning motivation, changing teachers' inherent teaching methods and so on, so as to improve the teaching effect of Chinese characters in mixed classes. The last part is the summary of this paper, summarizes the main points and conclusions of the article, and explains the shortcomings of this study, and points out that the related research on Chinese character teaching in mixed classes is extensible.


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