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发布时间:2018-10-11 14:23
【摘要】:自1872年清朝首次官派留学生赴美开始,开创了留学运动的先河,此后,留学热潮不断迭起。在中国近代史上,留美学生站在这一时代的前沿,既传承着中国的传统文化,同时又濡染了西方的文明和新式教育,在高等教育的现代化进程起着主导作用。 在这支留美大军中,学成归来者进入中国高等教育体系占去大部分,特别是大学教师这一群体。本文将选取1872年至1937年间留美学成归国服务的大学教师进行研究,从而揭示留美学生对大学教师的具体影响和贡献。 本文主体分为三个部分: 第一部分是分析中国近代留美学生这一群体。从幼童留美、晚清时期的留美运动、庚款留美、南京国民政府前期的留美运动这四个不同的时期,简析不同时期留美学生的数量和特点。 第二部分是对中国近代大学教师师资中留美学生的情况简析。在选取的411人中,从任职于大学校长和大学教师两个方面分析,其中对大学教师的特点分析包括归国时间、留学前后的知识结构及任教院校三个方面来研究。最后总结中国近代留美大学教师的特点。在知识结构、学位、归国任教于母校这三个方面来阐述。 第三部分是对中国近代留美经历的大学教师对高等教育学科构建和发展的影响分析。从自然科学和人文社会科学两大方面来具体陈述,并总结分析对不同学科的影响。 结语部分,从对留美学生群体分析可以看出,他们对近代大学教师师资的构成产生了深远影响,对高等教育的学科构建起了奠定作用。
[Abstract]:Since the Qing Dynasty first sent foreign students to the United States in 1872, it started the movement of studying abroad. In the modern history of China, the students studying in the United States stand at the forefront of this era, inheriting Chinese traditional culture, at the same time infusing the western civilization and modern education, which plays a leading role in the modernization of higher education. In this army of studying in the United States, returning students to enter the Chinese higher education system, especially the group of university teachers. From 1872 to 1937, this paper will choose the university teachers who studied in the United States to serve their country, so as to reveal the specific influence and contribution of the students studying in the United States to the university teachers. The main body of this paper is divided into three parts: the first part is to analyze the group of Chinese students studying in the United States in modern times. From the four different periods of young children studying in the United States, the movement of studying in the United States in the late Qing Dynasty, the movement of studying in the United States in Geng style and the movement of staying in the United States in the early period of the Nanjing National Government, the number and characteristics of the students studying in the United States in different periods were analyzed. The second part is a brief analysis of the situation of students studying in the United States among the teachers of modern universities in China. Among the 411 selected, the author analyzes the characteristics of university teachers from the aspects of university presidents and university teachers, including the time of returning to China, the knowledge structure before and after studying abroad and the three aspects of teaching institutions. Finally, it summarizes the characteristics of Chinese modern university teachers in the United States. In the knowledge structure, degree, return to teach in the alma mater to these three aspects to elaborate. The third part is an analysis of the influence of college teachers' experience in modern China on the construction and development of higher education. In this paper, the author makes a concrete statement from two aspects of natural science and humanities and social science, and summarizes and analyzes the influence on different disciplines. In the conclusion part, it can be seen from the analysis of the group of students studying in the United States that they have a profound influence on the composition of teachers in modern universities and have laid a solid foundation for the subject construction of higher education.


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