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发布时间:2018-10-12 06:21
[Abstract]:Jiang Nanxiang is the first principal of the new Tsinghua University. After his arrival, he began to push forward the deep reform on the basis of comprehensive understanding of school conditions, national conditions and world trends. In order to promote China's academic independence and national industrialization strategy, he started with the creation of a number of new specialties, greatly optimized the subject layout, and quickly restored Tsinghua University to the national flagship university. In addition, he has made outstanding contributions to the promotion of talent training, discipline building, team building, ideological construction, and so on. His efforts in Tsinghua over ten years completely changed the original appearance of Tsinghua, and then basically shaped the overall form of "New Tsinghua" at all levels, and has influenced the present. As a result of his outstanding achievements in running a school at Tsinghua, Jiang Nanxiang was recognized by the high level and ordered to take charge of the national education administration, and made great contributions to the nation's macro education.
【作者单位】: 清华大学教育研究院;


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